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Monday, March 31, 2014

New Beginnings and Somerset Life Magazine

Hello friends!
I am continually surprised by the path this blogging life takes me on, and this week is no exception. 

I am so excited to be featured in Stampington
 Company's beautiful spring issue of Somerset Life magazine!
It is quite surreal to have admired Stampington's publications for so long, and suddenly find myself in their pages. Crazy!

In their "Blogs With a View" section, I was given the opportunity to write about any aspect of my blogging experience. I chose to share a very personal story of what led me to blogging in the first place. I guess I thought if I just put it out there once and for all, I could lay it to rest, so to speak, and it might be helpful to someone else who is struggling and wondering if things will ever change. 

Have you ever written something- a letter, a post or an article- and wished you could take it back as soon as you sent it because it made you feel too vulnerable? Maybe I felt a little like that after submitting this article. Was it too personal? Did I say something that might hurt my kids in the future? Is it too late to take it back?! 

Recently, I shared some of my personal story over here, but with that I felt a little more at ease. It was among YOU, my "blogging buddies", in a community where I felt more secure. 

I received my artist's copy of the magazine about 10 days ago. After having some time to 'process' what it's like to see it in print, I have a few thoughts I'd like to share with you today. 

Yes, I have been through a horrendously painful time in the last several years {I know I'm not the only one!}. I have fought for my sanity through the train wreck of separation, divorce. Dealing with the brutally painful underlying issues in and from that relationship, while parenting four children, is hard.

But here's the thing-

In the last year, I have made huge strides toward healing and hope for the future! I have gone from dreading waking up in the morning to face the day, to looking forward to my days. Well, most of the time :)
I am no longer in agony on a daily basis over what has become of my family. By the grace of God, we are doing well! 

What I want to say today is that I don't think, in the context of this blog, or magazine features focused on blogging, that I will write about that part of my story again. 

What happened to us has made me stronger and much more sensitive and compassionate to others in pain. And it led me here!

But I no longer want my daily life, or our future, to be "framed" by the traumatic experience of divorce. I don't want to be known as "the struggling, divorced, single mom..."

It's taken a long time, but all things are new, my friends! 

In a way, this article represents public closure for me. 

That happened to us. 
I've now shared it very publicly. 
It was terrible.
God used it {continues to use it} for good. 

Wait, does this mean you won't read it? I hope not! Hey, I got to choose my own photos! {smile}

Click HERE to preview the beautiful spring issue of Somerset Life magazine, available for purchase April 1st.  It's full of wonderful creative projects and inspiring ideas to make your life more beautiful! 

You know, life sure is interesting. Last week I was sharing with you how to hide your kitchen trash can, and today it's a magazine feature.

Cheers to spring and fresh beginnings! 


Sharing over at
Be Inspired at Common Ground


  1. Congratulations! You deserve to be published, and to be happy! Have a fabulous week!!

  2. I am thrilled for you, Jeanette! I know your willingness to share your story will touch the hearts of most women, because we may have different challenges, but many of us are called to walk through deep waters at some point in our lives. Creating a new life for your children is a wonderful example of the grace of God in your life! I am blessed by you and your blog.
    Mary Alice

  3. I know exactly what you mean about being "exposed" and vulnerable. I felt the same way upon seeing my own article in Artful Blogging. But I know God leads us to open up and share our life experiences, as He can use our testimony to relate to and help so many others. I think blogging urges us to be always upbeat and creative, sometimes not openly sharing our daily struggles. Many times I've wanted to be more transparent about daily life, but wondered how many people would really want to hear it. Blogging DOES cause us to put on our big girl panties, though, and I guess that's a really good thing! LOL! xoxo

  4. Congrats. I always feel that when you go through something rough it is hard at the time but when you arrive on the other side of it you see it was for better things ahead. So happy you have come to a better place now. So excited to read your feature. Congrats

  5. Congrats on the magazine and also coming through the storm and standing tall. God Bless!

  6. Congratulations!! You have a beautiful home...and a beautiful spirit. So sorry you had to go through all that you did...but so glad that you are here sharing your gifts with us. God is good :)

  7. congratulations and what a wonderful accomplishment! "closure" a most eloquent way. i wish you a bright and hopeful future...

  8. Jeanette, I think you're so brave for sharing your story, and an inspiration to us all! I really enjoyed your Artful Blogging article...I look forward to seeing this one, too-congrats!! :)

  9. I am so excited for you friend, watching Him restore and redeem is a miracle. I love how brave you are warrior mama, for helping others to be brave with their life and not hide. There is something amazing and freeing about opening up and telling it like it is, and how we have survived. I count it joy to call you a friend :)

    xo, Tanya

  10. That's so exciting!! And I'm glad you've found a sense of closure (is that the right word?) about this part of your story. I'm sure that someone out there will feel hopeful by what you've shared, and that's the best part of opening ourselves up and being vulnerable.
    Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)

  11. Well deserved my friend, your struggle I know so very well, and share the struggle you have dealt with and is dealing with.
    It's a beautiful honor and cannot wait to pick up my copy and peek inside at the beautiful life you are creating for you and your children.


  12. Congratulations.
    Praise the Lord. I'm so grateful that you feel His healing hand and are moving on. What a work and a huge blessing. I know that you are an inspiration to many in the same situation.
    I like your new header.

  13. I have found lots of new bloggers for Welcome Wagon since 2009. I usually know which ones are going to keep going, keep growing. And yours was and is one. I am so happy for you and your positive strides forward. You are a strong and very talented woman who I am proud to call friend. Congrats on the article!

  14. This was such a wonderful post Jeanette! When are handed these trials sometimes we wonder if we will live through them, but we do and then can choose who we will become in the aftermath of them. Some choose bitterness and some choose joy. I can see that you are choosing joy. I am looking forward to reading your article, How wonderful for you to be featured in SL!
    I am so thankful you came by my blog and left your lovely comment so I could find you.

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