
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 - A Year of Creating a Life

Saying "farewell" is hard sometimes, isn't it? Especially when something feels...unfinished? 
When it comes to the end of the year, I'm really tempted to get hung up on what I didn't accomplish. But guess what? I'm not going down that road today!

Now that the year is over, it feels good to just look back at the posts and projects, think about the great people I've come to know and all I've learned. 
I think I'll just give myself permission to enjoy the satisfaction of coming to the end of my first calendar year of being a home-educating-single-mom-blogger! 

We learned and grew together as a family, created and repurposed things for our home and holidays, and tried hard to see the beauty in the every day things of life- all without spending any money!

All that stuff I didn't accomplish? Well, there's always THIS year, right? ; )

A Year of Creating a Life

My mason jar chandelier at Good Housekeeping!

Here are the three most viewed posts of the year-

Vintage Trunk Coffee Table

Junk Style DIY Garden Fencing Shade

O Christmas Tree

I have ideas for Creating a Life in the new year, but I hold my plans loosely as I step forward to see where God leads us in 2014.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate your readership, your kind comments and emails, and for helping me feel a sense of belonging here.

With love and gratitude, I wish you a very Happy New Year, friends!


Sharing over at
Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style 
Unskinny Boppy 2013 Year in Review Party 
Be Inspired at Common Ground 
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage 
Party Junk at Funky Junk Interiors 


  1. What a terrific year of posts and photos. I pray all things go well for you in 2014 :)

  2. Did you do a post on S+K's wedding projects? Also....COWS! DEY IS CUTE.

  3. Dear Jeanette ~ I just found your blog recently and you are an inspiration to me.

    Have a wonderful 2014 ~ FlowerLady

  4. I have enjoyed your blog this year, Jeanette. My favorite post of the year was your Just Junk post back in April. It made me cry tears of joy over God's provision and care for you. There have been quite a few times this year that I wished we were neighbors so I could pass some junk on to you to see what you could create. Many blessings to you in 2014!

  5. Jeanette,
    I have so enjoyed getting to know you and your blog better this past year. It was fun to look over the pictures again. My fav is the cows that is priceless!!!! Just makes me smile. Happy New Year. I look forward to getting to know you better and to many visits to your beautiful blog in 2014.

  6. it sure looks to me
    like you've accomplished a lot!

    i think your home
    and all your projects are lovely

    just discovered your blog
    and wanted to invite you to Fridays Unfolded

    just followed via Bloglovin too!

    Nancherrow (formerly Stuff and Nonsense)

  7. Beautiful!! Many blessings to you in 2014...can't wait to see what He has in store :) Laurel

  8. You had so many wonderfully lovely projects that it is impossible to select a favorite!

    Here's to a wonderful 2014!

  9. Jeanette, you have such a great attitude!! I love all these fun pics-your home looks gorgeous!
    I wish you blessings in 2014! :)

  10. What a fantabulous post this has been. Never seen this kind of useful post. I am grateful to you and expect more number of posts like these. Thank you very much.HARDWOOD FLOOR CLEANING Matthews


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