
Monday, December 30, 2013

***Wonderful*** {Christmas 2012}

I know it seems a little silly to be looking back to Christmas of 2012 while everyone is still talking about this Christmas. But as I was going through this past year's posts I came across this. 

It really was a meaningful post to me, but I had only been blogging a couple of months and less than 60 people read it! 

Maybe these words will resonate with someone who needs to be reminded that perfection isn't a healthy goal, especially during the holidays? 

I'll be back tomorrow with my 2013 review!

*{The following is a re-post from Christmas of 2012}

A few years back I read a quote that said, "Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful". Light bulb! My life a seeming perpetual un-perfect mess, my brain latched on to this and has clung to it ever since! : )

Christmas eve, and Christmas day have once again illustrated this for me. SO not perfect. I SO did not "check all the boxes" this year. In more ways than one we've had a mess

Tonight, kids tucked into bed with their new favorite Christmas toys, I tripped through the mess on their floor to say our Merry-Christmas-goodnights. I went downstairs to tend the thermostat, check the doors and lights etc. I got to the living room and just stopped in my tracks for a moment. 

There was the warm light of the Christmas tree and in an instant I saw the calendar of my kids' childhoods in my mind. One more childhood Christmas behind them, and their mom. It will never come again. A bittersweet satisfaction came over me as I let my heart say goodbye to Christmas 2012.

The curtains are all open and I see the icy-bright iridescence of moonlight across the snow covered landscape beyond the warmth of the Christmas tree lights. The beauty of this place-our little hometown-and this place of seeing in my leaves me awe-struck. 

Moments later I turn to walk past some dishes, yet un-washed. Shreds of Christmas paper here and there. We'll tend to it tomorrow. I step over a coat and boots at the bottom of the stairs as I'm heading back up. I'm fighting a sore throat and cough coming on and, as I reach my room, I feel....happy.

Christmas of 2012 is behind us. Certainly not perfect, but it was wonderful.


  1. Such a sweet post and I am so happy you revived it because I did not read it last year.

    I wonder if you are still in California or back at home in Colorado.

    No matter where you are, hve a wonderful New Year's.

  2. What a lovely post from a past Christmas, and still so good for the present.

    Being content no matter what we have or where we are is the key I think.

    Have a wonderful 2014 ~ FlowerLady

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