
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Confused in California

So, just what does "winter" mean in southern California? 

Coming from Colorado, my brain tells me I should be feeling freezing temps and seeing snow in January.

I was born and raised here. I should have remembered this feeling, but after nearly 20 years in Colorado, and only visiting southern California in the summer, I had forgotten.

Winter here means...

 Picked in the neighborhood here!

It's been mostly 70's and sunny since we arrived several days before Christmas. It may have actually hit 80 degrees on Christmas day! It's just not right, I tell ya : )

Boy have I been going through blogging withdrawals! I haven't had much time to visit around or post anything the last couple of weeks. 

Today, I just had to find something pretty to work on and share with you. Had to!

I am out of my element here at my parents' house. I didn't even bring a glue gun! (haha).

I thought I'd go scrounge around outside a bit to see what I might come up with.

 My nephew had been cutting branches from a tree in the backyard (the younger kids are having great fun climbing on them) so I started there for some inspiration. 

I snipped some of the thinnest branches out of the pile and decided I'd put together a very simple and rustic twig wreath. 

Being freshly cut, they were pretty flexible and I was able to easily bend them into a wreath shape.
The only thing I could find to secure the twigs were some white twist ties. My daughter colored them with a brown marker : ) 

Behind my mom's little barn style shed, I found a discarded and forgotten trellis that had almost fallen to pieces. I like that it still has some pieces of whatever vine was climbing on it at one time. 

One woman's trash...

 I love the chippy white finish.

I tapped it back together with a hammer as best I could, turned it upside down and hung my little rustic twig wreath on it. 

I pulled another branch that still has some leaves on it through the trellis. 

I found an old galvanized farm bucket (okay, I swiped it from the fireplace hearth) and an old rusted garden trowel and put them on a little stool my grandfather made as a boy

Yep, this is winter in southern California. Pretty rough, huh? 

We're heading home to Colorado in just a few days! My dad has been battling cancer for some time now, and it's so so difficult to leave my parents during such a hard time. I would sure appreciate your prayers for him, and our whole family right now.

See you soon from snowy Colorado, friends!


Joining these parties this week:

Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House 
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm 
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Knick of Time Tuesday 
The Scoop 
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House 
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life 
Be Inspired at Common Ground 
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage 
Party Junk at Funky Junk Interiors 



  1. Jeanette, I'm so glad to see a post from sunny California. My son is in Newport Beach and he says he actually misses the 'cold' weather here at home ( Northern California). You'll laugh but cold here is typically in the low 40s. Anyway I'll be sending prayers for your Dad, I"m so sorry to hear about his cancer. I'm sure your parents were so happy to have you and the kids visiting.

  2. Your little project turned out so cute, great way to salvage some items and make them look beautiful. So sorry to hear about your Dad, prayers will be going up :)

  3. We are definitely experiencing the extreme of the weather most of the country is getting. Wednesday's prediction is for 86 degrees.

    I love your wreath and the vignettes you created. What a fun challenge to have not tools or supplies and to wing it to the perfection you created.

  4. I'll be keeping your family in my prayers.
    Love what you put together and, could you send some of that lovely weather to New England!

  5. Jeanette, I'll be praying for your dad and family. I'm so glad you were able to spend the holidays there. I imagine you'll be loving that great weather back in Colorado!

  6. Your project turned out so cute. Funny how some simple items can make such a lovely display. My prayers go out to your Dad and your family. It is not an easy time when someone is dealing with cancer. My brother died of a rare stomach cancer at the age of 50. You feel so helpless. Praying really helps.

  7. How creative you are! That is so pretty! So sorry to hear about your Dad...prayers sent yours and his way! Visiting from Be Inspired...

  8. very pretty trellis!

    i could do
    with a little bit
    of 80 degree weather
    in my neck of the woods today

    would love for you to share
    at Fridays Unfolded this week!

    Nancherrow (formerly Stuff and Nonsense)

  9. Jeanette,
    My first visit to your blog, dear one.
    Truly, I feel the Holy Spirit knew you needed an "extra" prayer.
    You'll be in my heart, thoughts and prayers during this difficult timein your life.
    I love, LOVE, L O V E what you did with the twigs and such adorable California!!!
    Visiting from Common Ground!

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