
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Creating a {messy} Life: Where This Blogger Creates

I'm not sure I'm ever going to master the skill of confining my creative space to, well, one space


I have alot of my creative hoard supplies in the garage. But the garage is freezing in the winter and hot in the summer, and on nice days when I'd love to put the door up, it's usually pretty windy here. Chasing vintage sheet music and book pages down the street (it has happened) makes me cranky. Just sayin'

Our home has a basement space that could be claimed if the cat didn't live in that area. Pippin the cat is not always so well behaved. And having my vintage sheet music and book pages ruined by a naughty cat also makes me cranky.  

So usually I end up working on projects in the middle of our main living space {sorry kids} until the mess gets too out of control, at which point I will likely whisk it all out to the unpleasant garage space again. Last winter I may or may not have been known to set up a work space in the upstairs master bathroom. But we don't need to talk about that now, do we? No, didn't think so : )

First it's a piece of wood. Then maybe some vintage book pages...some tags, some paint, some buttons, some stencils...

One by one the tools of the creative trade creep their way back into the main living area, and BAM! my dining room ends up looking like this-

 {Did I already say "sorry", kids? Sigh..}

So this is where I am today. Actually for the last couple of weeks, I have been operating from what is supposed to be the dining area. It's really more like a corner in the open space that includes the kitchen and the living room.

In January, the space looked like this. Lovely....peaceful....

In March, we were welcoming Spring and it looked like this.

Brace yourselves, people...

This is what our dining room looked like in April. Light. Fresh. Minimal decor. 

What. The. Heck. 

I'm getting a little weepy seeing these photos, so I'm just going to scroll past quickly : )  

Now, to be perfectly honest all these clutter-y looking papers, tools and trinkets are beautiful. To me. Really, it is me. If I didn't have a family to be accountable to, I'm afraid my whole house would probably look like this.

I guess it's just that I know this isn't what a family dining area is supposed to look like. Now that I write that, it strikes me that nothing in my family is ever the way it's supposed to be by "normal" standards. I guess God has an abnormal plan for us?

It's a good thing we have a large kitchen island to eat at.

Hey, this cute little smiley suitcase is getting a new life soon!



 What you will generally see in my creative space are items that inspire me, items I'm working on and, what I like to refer to as "The Possibility Pile". That's all the possible components of a project I like to have layed out before me as I'm creating. 

My daughter made this darling little fairy, and it's one of my favorite things! I'm hoping I can talk her into making some of these for the shop.

                            On today's menu: Rope under glass.

 Some old wire garden fencing becoming a candle chandelier. 

 Would you like an extra helping of cardboard and rust?

I made this large sign for a friend's wedding reception recently. If the newlyweds don't want to keep it, I may sell it. I'll try to get some photos posted of the other signs I did for the wedding soon. It was a really fun project!

 I'm really enjoying using my "new" chippy door as a photo backdrop! {Books with paper flowers available here}

 Vintage book photo holder project over here

 Decorative metal "crown" available here




 So this is where this blogger is creating. At least this week : ) I'm hoping to get some fun new items listed over at The Penny and the Pearl in the coming days. I've had sick kids and several sleepless nights over here, so I'm just a bit loopy!

Thanks so much for braving the tour of my makeshift studio space.  This wouldn't be nearly as much fun if you weren't here with me! 



I'll be sharing this week over at: 



  1. Hi! I came over to check out your blog and I've gotta tell you we have ALOT in common! We could compare garages and living rooms for sure. My kids are always stepping over something I'm working on. I also have that same red dictionary set that I found at a church rummage sale - I love it! Beautiful work. :o)

    1. Hi Larissa-
      In all fairness, we moms are often stepping over things the kids are working on too, right? :) I think we are going to have some fun comparing our "stuff"! Thanks so much for coming over!

  2. Boy can I relate. I'm a natural at creating artful clutter. haha. (At least I think my clutter looks artful.) I really enjoyed seeing the transitions of your space, and I love your style.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. I think your space is wonderful!! And who wants to be around a naughty cat anyway? Right! I love the busyness you've created though...and yet I can understand the serene look, but you've GOT to have a spot to call your own!! SO, keep it!! It's WONDERFUL!! VERY inspiring! I'm so glad you shared your special space and your crafts! Thank you so much for the visit!!

  4. I like your spaces! I don't feel so alone! I tend to start projects in different areas of the house. My husband once said he was afraid of going to sleep because he might find that he was "stenciled" when he woke up. That was back in my stenciling days. I have found out over the years that a BIG basket can hide a multitude of craft projects if needed! Stop by Still Woods Farmhouse for a visit when yo get a chance. You can look at my "Possibility Piles"!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  5. You have a wonderful creative space! So many of your things remind me of my things...I love all the inspiration I've received here. I'm in the process of moving my work space, so it's fun to get new ideas.
    Love your rope under glass and the random words scattered about. The book photo holder is awesome too!

  6. Hi there, i love your space! it is so cute light and believe me when i say it really isnt cluttered! I live in a wearhouse! LOL anyway each room has craft stuff, and im tryin to consolidate! ok whatever kat! :) i hope everyone is feelin better, this weather has everyone feeling sick and down huh, hugs to you and go make something or just rest up! lol if you can i know i never could! kat =^.^=

  7. my creative space looks a lot like yours...just not as pretty :) I can see you one day having a booth to sell all your super wonderful stuff that you create. You are one very talended woman. I mean it. Keep it up

  8. I love yur peaceful

  9. Creative . . . authentic . . . inspiring . . . soothing . . . inviting . . . YOU

    Just a few words that came to mind as I looked through your photos.

    Thank you for sharing where you create.

  10. Oh I love all your vintage stuff. I have a white pitcher fetish myself. I really enjoyed visiting your blog and your space!

  11. LOVE all your wonderful creations, Jeanette, no matter where you do the "creating". Too bad the cat can't share it's space with you! te he!

  12. lovely arty space.. gorgeous collectables...

  13. Thanks for sharing your creative space today! I most liked the fence-turned-chandelier, and then the little bendy-doll fairy!! So CUTE!!.. I enjoyed my stop here today, and nice meeting you via Where Bloggers Create 2013! ~tina

  14. Hi Jeanette,

    What a lovely area! I, too, turned my living room/dining room into my studio. I am fortunate that I also have a family room and a dining nook to eat in and have people over, but the first thing you see when you come in my front door is my studio. You have some amazing goodies, and I love the door!


  15. I think it's great that you make spaces to create in Jeanette. I understand because before I got the room I have now, I had a small area carved out of our garage and also used the kitchen table, and for sewing projects the dining room table. Now it is only occasionally that I sit at our dining table when I am doing certain craft projects that require a little "elbow room" or to cut some fabric.

  16. Isn't it funny how our junk is beautiful and their junk just clutters up the house!! LOL!! Even with having a studio to create it, I sometimes manage to spill into other areas of the house. Sometimes we just want to be with out loved ones while creating at the same time! You have the perfect set-up!! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos with us. Enjoy the party!!

  17. Very nice! Truth be told we all probably invade a nice big space like the dining room once in while! :) Love your work and thanks for sharing it! Hugs!

  18. I enjoyed seeing all your pretties ~ what's a little creative mess between friends?!
    Thanks for allowing us a peek ~

  19. Beautiful images - love that old door! cheers from singapore.

  20. Thank you for sharing your space and your inspiration. It's all wonderful but my favorites are the little heart wreath and the old photos. Oh and the chippy door too!

  21. You may have taken over your dining area but it looks nice! A girl has got to create, separate room or not lol.

  22. The dining room obviously works for you! Drooling over the piccys. LOVE the chippy paint door, the chandelier.. EVERYTHING!

  23. Love all the rusty, chippy goodness in all your spaces! I can relate to the garage thing; we don't have the weather for that either - too cold or too hot. I didn't get my own real dedicated space until my one and only child moved to her own place. Up to then, I was mostly crafting out of bags on wheels where ever I could too!

  24. I love your "current" space. It has great light and is filled with so many wonderful things. I especially like your wire chandelier and the book photo holder.

    Becky @ Vintage 541

  25. I love how your space flows into other areas...really, it's all your space :)Your arranging is just as creative as the beautiful things you create. Great idea for the twine!! (and the Christmas darling)

  26. "Normal", is just a setting on the washing machine!! Your space is wonderful and you are with your family instead of being banished in some space with a Do Not Disturb sign...........your children learn from you.

    Love all your pretties and the chippy door!! Keep creating....

  27. What a great space!! Loved all of your vintage treasures!! Thanks so much for sharing!!


  28. I love vintage sheet music too, so I was super excited to find your blog! Love all of your creations, and that you've enjoyed creating all thru your home:)

  29. So real. Thank you!
    So beautiful! Thank you.


  30. Love your spread out space. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Your creative space is gorgeous! I enjoyed all your photos.
    Though I'm not participating this year, I'm still having a wonderful time visiting everyone.
    Thanks for tour!


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