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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Recent Finds, Freebies and Fixer-Uppers

You know how this happens right? You spot one little thing at the thrift store. One little "treasure" that's calling your name. One thing leads to another.....

That's how it was on Mother's Day weekend. My kids and I were in downtown Grand Junction for their annual Art and Music festival, and figured we'd hit a few thrift stores while there. We walked into a Salvation Army store and I spotted two Staffordshire bowls in a pretty blue and white pattern {called Finlandia} that I love. 
No, I do not need more dishes, but I love it when I find a couple of stray pieces that can be used as, maybe, a soap dish? A dish to hold jewelry on the bathroom counter? Yeah, I'm scrambling for justification :) 

I asked the clerk for a price on the TWO BOWLS....come to find out they had been separated from a set in another part of the store, and she was not willing to sell them individually. Sigh. I think you see where this is going. 

I ended up taking all she had. Not a 'complete' set, but several bowls, dessert plates, one dinner plate, some mugs and saucers. More than I need or want! I will have some of these pieces listed at The Penny and the Pearl

Remember a few weeks ago when my daughter and I made that crazy turnaround trip to Denver to see Switchfoot? I found these sweet little blue and white vintage shakers at a thrift shop right across the street from the concert venue. These I'll be keeping : ) 

If you follow me over on Facebook you may have already been questioning my sanity over this piece! It was a freebie at a yard sale this past weekend and, I just can't help it, I see lots of potential here! 

Yes, I did wrangle this beast into my minivan all by myself. I brought it home, removed the back (which was crumbling) and all the broken door pieces and hardware. Here she sits in the "possibility pile" in my garage this week. 
Picture it with the crown molding reattached, a drop cloth curtain gathered across the bottom and the top three shelves full of white ironstone. I'll keep you posted! 

This may be my favorite recent treasure. A freebie at the same yard sale, I fell in love with the rustic, weathered look of this little Heywood Wakefield table. One woman's trash...

I've had fun the last few days trying it out as a photo backdrop. 

I can't decide yet where I will use it. It looks really cute on the porch! I also really like it next to my chair in the living room.


But it may end up in the master bathroom :)

Decisions, decisions...

Thanks so much for stopping by, friends. Freebies and fixer uppers wouldn't be nearly as much fun without you here to share them with ; ) 


Sharing this week over at


  1. You found some great things there, Jeanette!! I love your dishes-even if you DID have to buy the whole set. lol Even worse when you WANT the whole set and there are 5 of somethings and 7 of another and you have to buy all!

    Cute little folding table, too. Have a happy Friday! xo Daina

  2. You do find such wonderful freebies and then make them look even better with your vignettes. The table is wonderful as it is and the cupboard has so many possibilities. Great sharing Jeanette. (and loved the Finlandea dishes).

  3. Wow, that HW table is awesome! Love your styling with that piece and, yes, I'd leave it in the bath - the humidity can only help it! And you've made us dish hoarders proud with your move in the thrift store. ;)
    Rita C at Panoply

  4. Jeanette, love your finds! I, too, have a dish "problem." And I'm a sucker for blue and white china. But I really am at the point where I have no place to put more, so I made a rule: Item in, Item out. Found a set of 5 gorgeous smallish glasses, pulled a similar set of 6 glasses out of the cupboard and donated them to the thrift store. I do the same thing with clothes.

  5. This cracked me up. It sounded so much like me. I'll have to remember some of your justifications for the future.
    Have a wonderful week, and Happy Creating!
    Sam from

  6. Looks like your going to be busy creating some new things with that big cabinet. I have no idea how you loaded it up yourself. You go girl !!

  7. I can't wait to see what you do with the hutch. I love Finlandia. I have Denmark by Franciscan, which is very similar. I loved seeing all your great finds. I think the master bathroom for the little table. What a find.

  8. Wow, you did hit the jackpot. I love that table, it is so unique and what a fabulous find.

  9. Looks like you found some great stuff! I love the blue and white dishes you bought. I have a couple of plates in that same pattern.

  10. Oh, I love that pattern! Great finds!

  11. Don't you just love when something is free!
    I know I sure do.
    Love your blue and white, as for picking them up for soap dishes and ring holder dishes well I just love using odd pieces with other piece...I don't mind if pieces are all Mis-matched it adds to the charm of collecting.

    Have a great June!


  12. Hi...I love your blog and enjoy reading it ..this is my first comment ...I am British but I live in Alabama, USA for the last 16 years and one of the things I bought with me was a set of 8 Finlandia Dinner plates that belonged to my Mother who passed on just a few years before I came over ...I too LOVE it for that reason and I just love the pattern so pleased to see that you enjoy it too ...Keep blogging ...I so enjoy it ...thanks so much and kindest regards Janet of Maisonvogue on

  13. Wow, wow, wow! Lots of great stuff, but those freebies are my favorites! Love them both. I have a few odds and ends of those blue and white dishes in the same pattern. Picked up at a thrift store. Just like you, too cute to pass up!

  14. Wow, great stuff! I an imagining the bookcase thing like you said and I think it will be just beautiful! And that freebie table!!! WHAT?! That's awesome!


  15. I love the look that you have going with the soaps and what not on the table. Lizzie would be proud, haha. Also, when you no longer want those salt and pepper shakers....

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