
Friday, January 24, 2014

Vintage Door Valentine Mantel

**Hi guys! I'm super excited to be in the "Saturday Spotlight" over at Must Love Junk this weekend! I would love it if you would pop over there for a visit!**

And now....

Today on Creating a Life: "How to Avoid Unpacking From a Trip"

The last time I came back from a trip to California, I got some sudden inspiration and created this one evening.

When I should have been unpacking suitcases.

This week, it's happened again. I really didn't mean to start on a project last night. Honest. I was just going to move one little thing, and know. 

Are you sensing a theme here? I'm not really sure if it's because I've been "project starved" while away from home, or simply because I hate unpacking and am looking for any excuse to put it off!  So last night I thought I would just tweak one thing on the faux mantel wall. Just one, I tell ya! :)

We weren't home over Christmas so I left pretty minimal Christmas decor, which I've been putting away bit by bit since we got home last Thursday. 

A little over a year ago I created a little backdrop for the electric fireplace from some parts of an old crib and an imitation brick panel that was left over from our kitchen remodel at our previous home. {You can see how I did it here}

Well, last night I got a sudden urge to bring my vintage door down from my bedroom and see if I could set it up behind the electric fireplace instead of the brick panel I've always used. Simple.

Here's a bit of the conversation between me and 16 year old, Mikayla, as she is less-than-willingly helping me carry it down to the living room:

Me: Thank you so much, Mikayla. What would I do without you?
Mikayla: Um....NOTHING!

Everyone's a comedian around here.

Are you ready for the shock of how terrible it looked in here last night while I was doing my "one little thing"? 

You know I didn't have to show you this, but I thought it might make the "after" look better : )

Back in November, I showed you a Junk Style Photo Board {here}
that I created from an industrial type wall shelf I picked up at a thrift store. I suddenly remembered I had the brackets from that shelf, and decided I would try replacing the wood shelf brackets that had been holding the mantel shelf. 

Kind of looks like funny little arms holding the shelf, but I like it!
I was really happy to discover that not only did the door fit perfectly between the bracket holes...

...but the rustic wood plank I've been using as the mantel shelf fit perfectly into the space in the new brackets in front of the vintage door! I love it when that happens. 

Thankfully, everything is looking a little more cheerful in the morning light, despite my giant brown beast of a sectional.

Well, I figured I had gone this far, I might as well go ahead and add a little Valentine decor to the mantel, right?  

My parents have really been on my mind so much, with going through my dad's cancer treatment and all that comes with that. I decided I'd do a little tribute to them on the mantel. 

I hung my coffee filter wreath from the chippy door and added a vintage style Valentine image. On either side of the wreath I tied two handmade chalkboard tags, using a stencil for the X and O. 

On the left, I clipped an old photo of them to a rusty toolbox latch. In front of the photo I hung an old heart shaped cookie cutter. 

On the right, I put one of their wedding photos in a photo holder I made from a vintage decanter lid, a shaker top and some wire. 

They celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary in September! 

You can read a bit about their love story here

Remember the vintage sheet music trees I made at Christmas time? I  just flipped them over to turn them into paper cones to hold brown coffee filter flowers (lazy, I know). I tucked them into an old flower pot and added a little handmade "hope" flag on a wooden dowel with an old drawer handle for the topper. Hope is huge when you're fighting a brutal enemy like cancer! 

My mom has been so kind to pass a lot of her vintage costume jewelry pieces on to me, including these metal monogram pins with their initials. I placed them on the top I made for my DIY Cloche, created from old light fixture parts.

I just love it when I'm cruising along getting all my photos and then realize you can see my pink polka-dot pajama pants in the glass! Oh well, we aren't taking ourselves too seriously over here anyway. 

On top of the fireplace, I placed a nest that a friend gave me for Christmas {love it!} on an old china platter. Inside the nest, two painted heart stones I picked up recently from a darling local shop that I'll be taking you on a tour of very soon! 

Love you Mom and Dad!

So after looking at this for awhile, I decided that the chalkboard tags on either side of the wreath were reminding me of a pair of 1980's earrings. 

So I moved them to the same side : )

I have a fun announcement to share soon! Can you guess what it is? If you follow my Facebook page you may have already heard :) Tell you all about it over the weekend. 

Oh, and my suitcase? Still sitting on my bedroom floor. Full.

I appreciate you coming by today!


  1. Jeanette,
    I just read your spotlight feature at Susan's and it was so heartwarming for you to share yourself with all of us. Loved it. Love your mantel it all looks so pretty. The pictures of your mom and dad are such a beautiful touch too. So sweet. It all looks great.

  2. I enjoyed getting to know you a little more and have even more respect after doing so. You are an amazing woman with tons of talent! Thanks for sharing some of your life and inspiring us with all you create:-)

    Have a wonderful weekend and Congrats on Artful Blogging.


  3. Your story as you described your creations touched my heart.

  4. The door is perfect behind the fire :) I also love the chandy!!

  5. What a wonderful blog I've found! Your mantel is just awesome and I love how you are sweetly honoring your parents. Take care and I'm sorry your dad is going through so much.

  6. I enjoyed reading your story over at Susan's this morning, Jeanette! You have a beautiful home. Newest follower here! : )

  7. I really enjoyed reading more about you over at Must Love Junk. Love what you did with this fabulous old door and all the pretty treasures you added.

  8. Jeanette, I love your tribute to your parents!! Thanks for being my spotlight and sharing with us! :)

  9. Hi Jeanette! I found you from Must Love Junk blog. It was so nice to meet you. I really like your Valentines display in honor of your parents. I also like all the vintage touches you use in your home. You're very creative!

  10. I love your Valentine display, inspired me to make one myself. My heart and prayers go out to your Mom and Dad at this time, and I pray that all will be well and they will have more years together.

    I just read your story on the other blog. Bless your heart. Your post was encouraging and will touch hearts and to the love and tender care of God. I loved the picture of you and your kids.

    Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady

  11. I am so glad to have found you through Must Love Junk today. Thank you for sharing your story and your beautiful family photo. I am your newest follower and you are already on my sidebar. LOVE your blog. You are very talented. xo Diana

  12. Amazing how one little "tweak" turns into a lot of work! But I LOVE the result. That door and shelf were made for the space behind your fire stove. I really appreciate your transparency, and enjoyed getting to know you a little better at Must Love Junk today...
    Abundant blessings!

  13. Hi Jeanette, I'm over from Susan's blog too ~ I so enjoyed your sharing! Your family is beautiful. I was alone with 2 kids so I really admire your strength. Your mantel is're very creative. I'm a new follower and I look forward to getting to know you!


  14. Love that one little tweak you made!!! I've been guilty of doing the same. Now following!!

  15. Hopping over from Susan's. Your mantel and tribute to your parents are beautiful. I love all of your wonderful creative items especially the photo with the heart cookie cutter placed over it.. Loved reading about your inspiring story. Have a wonderful week with your beautiful family.

  16. How fabulous is this, such a wonderful tribute to your parents and the door is wonderful. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  17. What an adorable shelf this is! And your process of photographing it is so great ! Even including the pink polka dot pajamas! Will look forward to seeing more of your creativity and am your newest member! Hugs from Texas!

  18. Thank you for linking up to Thrifty Life Thursday! I am also happy to hear about all the wonderful things that are happening with you. :)

  19. Oh my! I'll unpack for you if you want to come do a makeover in my house!! I love it!!! :)
    Thanks so much for hosting this fab party! Hope you have a happy weekend…… Woot-woot!! :)
    hugs x, Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  20. I like it! How much were the hearts from Elizabeth Dean? I've always wanted to buy some, but she doesn't have prices on them.

  21. Jeanette, I loved your spotlight! You are full of inspiration! If not wanting to unpack makes you so creative, I say you'd better vacation more often! lol! What a sweet tribute to your mom and dad. Cancer is a beast for sure! Glad he is a survivor! I love how you hi-lighted the photo with the heart cookie cutter! Thanks for sharing with SYC

  22. I'm featuring your clever mantel at Revisionary Life Thrifty Life Thursday this week!

  23. We have one of the fireplaces in our family room...never thought of adding a mantle. Lovely always :)

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