
Monday, January 27, 2014

Artful Blogging Feature!

What a week! I have been so touched by all the kind comments and messages I've received after being in the "Saturday Spotlight" over at Must Love Junk. Thank you, again, Susan and Kris!
Bloggers and blog readers are just the best, and I'm so grateful for your kindness to me! As I said in the post, medicine to my soul.

When Artful Blogging contacted me last July about including Creating a Life in an upcoming edition, I was thrilled! And then I was scared. 

I had only been blogging about 9 months, and I was nowhere near believing that any publication would be interested in my photos, let alone THIS publication. 

I was getting ready to leave on our summer road trip to southern California and there was a pretty short deadline to write an article and provide them with the photos they requested. 

I'll be honest, it was pretty stressful at the time. I did not feel confident about what I wrote, but I hadn't gotten any feedback about it. Off to California I went feeling pretty insecure about how it would all come off in print. 

My article was supposed to be in the Winter issue, but in late August I was contacted and informed that they had over booked the issue and my article would be one of the ones they intended to bump to the Spring issue. 

Honestly, my own self-doubt {anyone else ever struggle with that?} had me thinking that they just didn't like the article or the photos after all and I wouldn't hear from them again. 

In October I was contacted requesting some different images and the rest, as they say, is history!  

I shared my surreal moment of having a first look at my artist's copy this week over on my Facebook page.

I am honored and completely humbled to be included in this issue with so many talented blogger artists. Such a dream!

Thank you so much to Jennifer Jackson Taylor and Christine Stephens  {former and current managing editors of Artful Blogging} for the thrill of seeing Creating a Life in the pages of your beautiful magazine!

The spring issue of Artful Blogging is available February 1st and can be ordered here.

Time to come down from the clouds and welcome a new week of possibilities.

Happy Monday, friends!


Sharing this week over at
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style


  1. So excited for you, Jeanette!! That is a dream come true. Keep up the good work! :o)
    Larissa ~ Prodigal Pieces

  2. How wonderful - what a way to start your new year, let alone your week!
    Rita C. at Panoply

  3. Congratulations! You are so deserving.


  4. Jeanette this is awesome. I was in the August issue last year and it was so exciting a little overwhelming but so so exciting. So happy for you I will get my copy soon and I will be so honored to see you my friend in this issue. Congrats. You deserve this wonderful honor.

  5. Oh, wow....that is awesome! I can only hope to imagine how you are feeling...congratulations. Here's to what may be the first of many such wonderful happenings for you this year!

  6. Congratulations on being featured in the magazine. I love to read Artful Blogging and your blog is certainly deserving of inclusion. I can't wait to see the magazine.

  7. Congratulations to you, Jeanette. I am newer to your blog but can tell you are very talented. I can't wait to see it in print!!!! xo Diana

  8. Congratulations sweet friend! What a wonderful, wonderful feature! Love the photographs!

    Happy day to you!

  9. Congrats, Jeanette! You definitely deserve it! I can't wait to check it out :)

  10. CONGRATULATIONS, Jeanette!!! How exciting to be part of this great magazine! Not surprised, though, because you are so talented and have such a wonderful style!
    So happy for you,
    Mary Alice

  11. Congratuations! You should be very proud not only for this accomplishment but for reinventing yourself so successfully after your heartaches of the past years! Enjoy the lime light!! Trisha

  12. Congrats Jeanette,
    It's a beautiful heartfelt story, brave, soulful, strong, you have created a beautiful place of new comfort

    Enjoy your new beauty and all that will follow.


  13. Have just enjoyed your lovely article in Artful blogging and wanted to stop by and tell you congratulations! What fun!!!

  14. Congratulations, Jeanette! I just found your blog via the party at Savvy Southern Style blog. Looks divine!

  15. Congrats to YOU!!! I will be sure to get a copy and read every word. Thanks for sharing at NTT.


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