
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Simple Autumn Changes: Dining Room

The other day I showed you how I created a shade to cover my dining area light that I've never really liked. You may have noticed that things in the background were looking a little sparse. 

The last time I shared this space was for Where Bloggers Create.
Another area in the house has opened up for me to move some of my creative disaster supplies to, so this room has once again transitioned into actual dining space-imagine! 

I've been a little slow with decorating for Fall over here. I am really savoring the slowness of Autumn's arrival in our area of Colorado this year! It's my favorite season and I want it to arrive slowly and linger long.
I figured since I had that new light cover up, I may as well get on with sprucing up the rest of the area with some Autumn touches. Nothing too over the top-just cozied up a bit with some warmer color and details. 

Our 'dining room' isn't really a room at all. It's more like a corner in the open space that includes the kitchen and living room. I knew you'd like to see our refrigerator with the wonky magnets and fingerprints {smile}.

I've had the glass doors off of this wall cabinet for quite some time. It still has some of my pitchers and craft supplies in it, but I decided to put the doors back on for a neater look : )

I taped some vintage sheet music inside the doors to change it up a bit.


 I moved the antique settee over here from the living room a couple of months ago. I'll try to show you what's going on over there soon. 

I hung a section of old rusty garden fence on the wall behind the settee, to tie in a bit with the new light shade. I might hang something on it later, but keeping it simple for now.

Lots of pillows for comfort. I don't know why, but just the littlest addition of something velvet, like this little green pillow, says 'Autumn' to me.

One of my favorite things to bring out in Autumn is this bird print on canvas. It is a cherished gift from a friend who is now living in far-away China.

A vintage silver salt shaker makes the perfect mini vase. 

I haven't had my DIY Cloche out for some time. I decided it would make the perfect simple centerpiece on a scrap of burlap. 

I added a different top to it, made from a vintage mold with an enamel handle attached.

Our hearts are still a bit sore after saying goodbye to our family and friends in California. I made a simple collection, combining some Colorado Fall nature finds with some reminders of our time at the beach there. 

As Autumn continues to draw us in, we'll add some different layers and change things up, but for now we're enjoying the simple, warmer feel of this summer-into-fall space. The kids really enjoyed having dinner here tonight (as opposed to sitting at the kitchen island like usual) and as I type this they are all gathered around the table drawing and making funny videos of each other : ) 

I wish you all a wonderful September week, friends! 


Joining the fun this week over at:

The Scoop   


  1. Love it. the settee looks so comfy. I liked the dried flowers. Perfect!

  2. love this look, and I really like the idea of sheets music on the doors

  3. Your dining area looks so cozy and inviting!! LOVE your fabulous door propped against the wall.
    Mary Alice

  4. It all looks very cozy and pretty, Jeanette!

  5. It's so sweet, I love it! I wanna come sit in there....what time is breakfast? LOL

    Have a good week and thanks for sharing this

  6. Ahhh, is it really early fall on the western slope? I love the subtle touches of autumn in your home and I am blessed by your love of detail. Blessed fall, Jeanette! Dina

  7. Love the idea of the little fence by the settee....and I like the wonky magnets....that is a real home!!

  8. Such interesting and creative things you have brought together to make a wonderful inviting home! The fence is brilliant! Love the sign too!

  9. I love it, such a pretty room and your pictures are all stunning. Great accessories. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  10. Jeanette this is jaw-dropping gorgeous!! You have such an eye for style and just the right amount of vintage-shabby flair to make it all work. Featuring on FB today :) xo

  11. Beautifully done. Love the Good Food sign and the light fixture. You're so creative!

  12. It's BEAUTIFUL! What a neat lampshade too!!

  13. Jeanette, your home is lovely. I love the little cabinet. Thank you so much for linking up with Live Creatively Inspired. ~Tammy

  14. Love your light fixture and cozy corner! What you did with the sheet music in the cabinet is so lovely!

  15. I love everything!


  16. love it all Jeanette, I just want to flop right in the middle of that settee and all those fabulous pillows! Love the "Good Food" sign!!


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