
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Quietube-Super Simple Tutorial

This isn't my usual type of post, but I want to share something that's been really helpful to my family. 

Have you ever heard of quietube? It's a great tool for watching YouTube videos without seeing all of the sometimes offensive images and words in the sidebar and comments. 

I love to be able to look up videos to supplement whatever my kids and I are having a discussion about or even to enjoy music videos.

But as a mom of young children, there are definitely things that I would not want them to see. Honestly, I don't want to see it! If you've spent any time at all on YouTube, you know that people can post the most profane and outrageous things in the comments, and I really appreciate the ability to eliminate the possibility of my little ones scrolling down to that section. Get a life, people! 

Here's what you do: 

Go to 

You will see a screen that looks like this (sorry about my crummy photos) 


 Drag the quietube button up to your toolbar

Mine is right next to the all-important "Pin It" button : )

Now, when you go to the video you want to watch on YouTube, simply click the quietube button and all of the stuff around the video player screen is eliminated with a white frame.

 I hope this little tip was helpful! 

I'll be back soon with something pretty.

Weekend blessings-


Joining the parties this week at:

Inspiration Monday at I Should Be Mopping the Floor 
Creative Bloggers Party at Homemaker on a Dime 


  1. Wow, that is an awesome tool, thanks so much for sharing that. Now if I will only be able to do it, it sounds simple enough lol. I didn't know you could put a pin it button in your toolbar, how do you do that if I may ask? lol
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  2. never heard of this, but sounds fantastic. I am going to check this out right now

  3. This is a great tip! I had not heard of this before and I stay away from Youtube for that reason. I will be trying this :) xo


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