
Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring on the Back Porch {Finally!}


Can you believe we finally have some real spring weather here in western Colorado?! Sheesh, it was a long time coming! This weekend it was in the 70's and just perfect out, so I decided to take on prettying up our desperately winter-worn little porch. I didn't even bother taking any 'before' pictures, it was just bare and ugly and sad looking. Trust me.


I've mentioned before that although I really do love color, at this stage of my life I generally prefer to have more white/neutral rooms. It's just more soothing to live with. Apparently soothing is what I need : )
But out here I'm going for some cheerful spring color.

Come on over, put your feet up and relax for a bit. The birds are singing happy, the sky is glorious and it's a perfect time to be out on the porch!

Our porch swing has been with us through 3 homes and lots of years. Despite having to replace broken rusted bolts, and the original cushions being torn and faded, I still love it! Cover it with old, soft cotton sheets and a pile of over-sized pillows and it's charming {and comfortable} as can be.  Not to mention the great creaking noise when you swing : )

The vintage tablecloth was my mom's. I think I raided her vintage stuff about 25 years ago, and she was nice enough to give me some of my favorites. Mind you, this tablecloth was probably new when she got it!

Several years ago I picked up 4 of these yellow gingham curtain panels at a thrift store for about $2.00 each. They are pretty heavy and lined, and they've had many different uses over the years. I used two of them to cover the brown chairs. Can't I just put them on a window like a normal person? 

The other two I hung at each end of the porch, just for a little color and softness. I really like our view out here, and I wouldn't want to cover too much of it. 

I wanted to get them up in a hurry, so I just gathered the top of the panel, tied it with a piece of clothesline and hung it over a nail.

Last summer my younger kids begged me to turn this into a sleeping porch, and it never happened. Maybe later in the summer I'll see if I feel motivated to do it. If so, I'll rig up a curtain rod (or just stretch a length of clothesline) so the curtains can actually be closed, since this is right where the sun rises in the morning. 

An old iron headboard, just 'cause I think it's cute.

I decoupaged this bottle when my son was born, almost 6 years ago! I still think it's pretty sweet.

I made this little scrap bunting last summer from vintage sheets. I used iron on tape to attach the flags to a strip of yellow gingham fabric (also from an old sheet). Not perfect, by any means, but it was quick!

Thrift store patchwork pillow cover.

Wooden box was a curbside find recently.

Another old headboard, a vintage baby quilt on the table, and the floral metal tray table was my grandma's!

I can't resist putting in a photo of my little guy "acting". As if he would ever really take a nap!

Yep, I'm having my afternoon coffee out here. This is another vintage floral tray that belonged to my grandma.

I'm sure I'll be tweaking things a bit more out here this week, but today I'm happy to let it be.

Thanks for coming by and hanging out on my cozy little porch today! 


Sharing this week over at:
Be Inspired at Common Ground

Monday Funday at Finding Home 
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Creative Bloggers Party at Homemaker on a Dime 
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm 
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life 
Knick of Time Tuesday 
Budget Decorating at Creative Cain Cabin 
The Scoop
Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style 
Tutorials Tips and Tidbits at StoneGable
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson 
Treasure Hunt Thursday at From My Front Porch to Yours
Creative Inspirations at Embracing Change 
Be Inspired at Common Ground 
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home    


  1. I miss that porch so much, it looks beautiful!
    Perfect place to sit and catch up can't wait XD

  2. I love your porch, it looks so comfy and inviting. Your linens are all fantastic too. I would love for you to link up to my Inspire Me party that will be live this evening. Hugs, Marty

  3. I love your comfy, sweet, vintage porch so much Jeanette. Every little touch is perfect (I think I had those yellow floral "vintage" sheets as a kid lol) and your "to do" list is right up my alley. Have a blessed week, thank you for inspiring me this morning :)

    xo, Tanya

  4. so comfy! you did great, and the way you hung the curtains is simply genius!!!!

  5. Oh I just love it! That swing looks so comfortable and cozy! The perfect place to relax on a nice afternoon. You have a spectacular view as well!

    Visiting from Tweak It Tuesday :)

  6. You have placed a load of beauty onto that porch, it's just gorgeous. My fave is the patchwork pillow (I Pinned it). I grew up with a front porch swing and how I miss it, yours is so cozy and comfy looking. Your mom's tablecloth is beyond beautiful. I love your porch! visiting from Tweak it Tuesday - Mary

  7. Your porch looks so comfy and cute! Love the vintage lines and am crazy about the gingham curtains! Very cute porch!

  8. What an absolutely fabulous porch!! The tablecloth is gorgeous!!

  9. Love your space with all the vintage touches. Thanks for sharing at the Cabin:)

  10. Love, love your porch! All the touches are perfect! I have a new weekly link party which is live now and I would love if you stop by and link up this wonderful post! Hope to see you there! Hugs, Maria

  11. You had a very cute model...pretending to sleep! heehee! You've inspired me...I think I'll look for some of my vintage things to change things in my lanai. I have plenty of color...I just need a change!

  12. I am feeling relaxed just by looking at those pictures! Very cozy porch you have created :-) Popping over from Tweak It Tuesday!

  13. I love your cozy porch. I could live out there year around......well maybe not when it was snowing.

  14. What a sweet little spot...and adorable little guy :)

  15. What an adorable porch! I love all the colors and the special pieces like your mom's tablecloth and that cute little man! I love the fact that you have taken your swing with you from house to house. That is one of my favorite memories from childhood... porch swings.

    I wasn't sure what the weather would be in Colorado right now. I have some family out west, with several of my husband's cousins living in Colorado. Aspen. Such a pretty state!



    1. Thanks so much, Sheila! Colorado weather can be quite erratic. We had lovely weather over the weekend, but woke to light snow on the surrounding mountains today! We are about an hour from Aspen. Thanks for coming by!

  16. Love it! I adore all the vintage fabrics that you've used to make it so appealing and cozy. You've got quite a cutie-patootie stretched out on the sofa for an afternoon nap -- hmmm.....that sounds good to me, too!

  17. Oh, thank you so much for this restful visit. I got lost in all the patchwork, painted, chippy, vintage beauty of your porch! Your little one is precious!

  18. Can my porch be friends with yours? She wants to look just liek yours when she grows up.....!!!

    Keep ‘em coming… :)

    hugs xx
    Crystelle Boutique

  19. WE are working on our porch as well,though this year we needed to redo stain and paint so it is coming along a bit slower than usual. I wish that I had your incredible view from my porch! I think I could drink coffee on your porch all day!

  20. Your porch is so welcoming. I love all the little touches. A sleeping porch? That sounds wonderful. Before we added on my husband's studio, there were French doors leading onto our deck. Those French doors now lead into the studio and we moved our bedroom to another room. I loved it when the weather allowed for us to sleep with the French doors open all night long.

  21. Oh my! I so want to come hang out on this porch. I might never go anywhere else. Love your curtain hanging method!

  22. Oh my gosh, can I come plop on that sweet swing and sit next to that blue eyed doll of a son? This entire space just screams 'welcome' Jeanette. I love all the different patterns and colors. Your moms tablecloth is gorgeoous! Every picture brought me more and more delight! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  23. Hi Jeanette, just hopping back to let you know that I will be featuring you at Share Your Cup.

  24. What a darling porch! So many sweet details. I love the creak of an old swing! Love the geranium in the enamel pot!

  25. Lovely!
    Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home.

  26. I'll pay rent to live on your porch ... especially with that view. Ha! Lovely, cozy, comfortable spot to have coffee, read, listen to the birds, feel the breeze and definitely, definitely feel very, very grateful. :) Your little guy is so handsome. My oldest son is going to college in Colorado so we will be there for a couple of weeks this summer. I haven't been to Colorado since I was about 12 years old -- we took many a family vacation there. Hope all is well with you. Best wishes, Tammy

  27. I need that tablecloth some day :) And to have afternoon tea on the porch too. Maybe when Dina is back we can have a belated joint bday party?


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