
Friday, May 10, 2013

The Gift of Light

I haven't had many things to share this week. I've started to post about a few things, but something just didn't feel right and I  got stalled. 
Kind of an introspective week, I guess you'd say. Do you ever feel like that? Sort of taking it all in and "processing"?

This afternoon I walked a friend to the front door to see her out. After our goodbyes, I turned around and there was the most beautiful light coming in from a window high above the front door. I was spellbound for a moment! Then I grabbed the camera so I could try to capture it to share with you!

Sometimes it's the smallest things that speak beauty and joy into our days. Even something as simple as afternoon sun streaming through a window on a May afternoon can suddenly catch our spirit, and becomes a glorious gift!

I wish you all a beautiful weekend, and an extra blessing to all the moms out there! I am SO grateful to be "mom" to three daughters, one son, and a son-in-law!

I'll be back soon with some fun stuff to share :)


Sharing at:

Be Inspired at Common Ground 


  1. I have found that my secret to happiness was joy in little things . . . new flowers about to bloom in my garden . . . the color of the ocean as it changes from one day to the next . . . the incredible colors of the sunset last night . . . money can't buy them.

  2. I think you captured it beautifully. Sometimes the simplest things have the greatest impact.

  3. Jeanette, light is truly a gift! I love it when rays of sunshine come streaming in my windows. The first thing I do after rising in the morning is to open all the blinds and let the sunshine in. It truly lightens our souls.

  4. Thank you, Jeanette, for the beautiful photos of a beautiful gift...

  5. It really is the little things, isn't it? We get so concerned about having something to say and then out of the blue, inspiration hits with something just so small but so precious. Thanks for sharing!


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