
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Kitchen Rack From Found Elements

Sometimes all the pieces just come together. Rarely. But sometimes : ) I almost can't even call this a "project" because of the way everything seemed to magically fit together.

Recently we were picking things up from a nearby city's annual spring clean-up. People put their cast-offs {including lots of furniture, construction and garden supplies} out for the city to pick up and dispose of on a certain date. Before that date, it's all fair game and we brought home lots of great "junk".

This baker's rack had no shelves, but I knew I could come up with something to replace them, so home it came. I really don't need this piece in my house, but if I can't sell it, it won't kill me to keep it around either.

Another thing we picked up was this child size picnic table that had fallen apart. I can use all these white boards for something, right? 

Another curbside find-this large wire basket was in a post-yard sale "free" pile.

The white boards from the picnic table happened to be just the right length to form shelves, and the wire basket fit perfectly into the center shelf space! Crazy, huh? Like I said, it's almost too easy to be called a project.

I can think of lots of places a shelf like this would be useful. In a laundry room, a bathroom, as a potting shelf. I decided I'd style it as a kitchen rack, just to show you what it might look like in this space.

The basket is pretty large and could hold so many different things! Dishes, paper goods, pie pans and baking utensils, root vegetables, breads, table linens...

The handle of the basket makes a perfect towel holder, too.

I can fit several of my ironstone pitchers {and my grandma's cow creamer} on the top shelf with some utensils.


The second shelf I filled with an old basket holding mason jars with silverware, a little creamer holding measuring spoons and my pepper mill atop some small white bowls. I tucked a chalkboard across the back and even found a spot to hang an apron.

On the bottom I put a picnic basket {great for storage, as well} and some of my cookbooks.


This little white board panel was another curbside rescue. Not sure yet what it will become.

Making something useful from elements that would have ended up in the landfill totally makes my day. Doing it without spending a dime? Even better!
How about you? Do you have a favorite curbside rescue project? 

We  ***FINALLY***  have some spring weather this weekend, whoohoo! The kids are playing in the park behind our house in shorts, and I spent some time sprucing up our little back porch with some happy color today! I'll have post about that up tonight or tomorrow. 

Thanks so much for coming over, friends!


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  1. Awe.SOME! You are so talented <3

  2. Wow! That is great how all those things fit together. Thanks for sharing your awesome finds.

  3. I am amazed at al the blogs I read where people gather wonderful items right off the street. I NEVER see things on the side of the road.

    You did an amazing job on the baker's rack. From your wonderful staging, I assume you are going to keep it.

  4. I love rescuing stuff from the landfill. I wish our neighborhood had a curbside day. We used to but they quit I guess.

  5. That is unbelievable how those pieces all happened to fit together! Looks gorgeous!

  6. This is just an awesome curbside rescue. How great you could use all three of those treasures to make one great treasure. So fantastic.

  7. Brilliant put-together! looks gorgeous.

  8. OMG, I love how all your curbside finds came together. Brilliant!

  9. Jeanette

    A girl after my own heart! Brilliant is all I can say. What an amazing transformation!. Great inspiration as always. Have a blessed week


  10. Everything looks beautiful! You did a wonderful job! I love the jars that hold the silverware!

  11. Great find:) I love how you put the pieces together and decorated it.

  12. How lovely! Your kitchen rack looks beautiful and I love all the little things you filled it with! So pretty!

  13. Are you serious? Wow! All free and put together in a gorgeous display. Lucky you! I'm so jealous :)))

  14. Wow, I love how this all came together....esp. the basket fitting in that have a good eye!!!!

  15. I'm thinking it looks pretty comfy-cozy in your kitchen!

  16. This is awesome! I love it when everything just comes together and fits perfectly!! I love this so much... I may have to go take back the metal rack I had like that which I gave to my daughter :) Great job!

  17. it's amazing just how well things turn out...when you look outside the box!
    this is one of those times when all the parts just come together.

    Great job- Pat

  18. Jeanette, it may have come together easy, but you were the brains behind the magic. Love it! The chalkboards are so fun. I found a cute white cow creamer at a yard sale for $1 on Saturday. Yours is extra special once belonging to your grandma. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  19. You should keep it in the kitchen! It looks good there.


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