
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Vintage Feedsack Stool

So, there's this little stool... 

I'm sure you all have those pieces of furniture in your home that you just don't want to part with, so you just keep updating them. 

Again, and again. And again. 

For about 12 years. 

No? Just me? 

That's the story with this cute little stool. I was even ready to get rid of it last year, but my kids (even the teenager) were insistent about keeping it. Apparently it just has some magical charm. 

When I brought it home from a yard sale all those years ago, it had really beat up dark wood legs and ratty 1960's gold upholstery fabric on it. I recovered it with a darling red and white checked fabric and painted the legs. 

Since then, it's had a few more fabric updates {most recently the cute yellow print that was a scrap from the thrift store} It has fallen apart and been glued back together. It just keeps going! : ) 

Today I decided it was getting another update. 

I've had this vintage Bemis feedsack for over a year, and it has landed in various places around the house, such as behind an old window in my fall entryway last year. Parts of it were so badly stained, that I finally decided I was going to cut it up for a few different projects. 

 Part of it went to making the rustic farmhouse style pendant shade covers in our kitchen {more about the rest of the kitchen here}

I was left with a good sized square that had the logo on it, and today I decided that re-covering the little stool (again) would be a good way to finally put it to use! 

You can see I'm not very neat when it comes to these sorts of things, but the bottom doesn't show, right? When I did the yellow fabric I used my staple gun, which has since bit the dust. So today, I used upholstery tacks to attach the vintage feedsack fabric. 

No, I did not remove the yellow fabric with its many staples, I just put the new fabric right over it :) 

Speaking of upholstery tacks, does anyone else think they are just a tiny work of art? I love these things!

Okay, let's move on. 

Silly me, I forgot to photo actually putting the fabric on, but I think you know how it works. 

I wrapped the cushion with the feedsack fabric and just used a hammer and upholstery tacks to attach it to the underside of the seat. 

I'm really trying to come up with a plan to pull together my seven year old son's bedroom, so this probably won't might end up in his room. I am sort of liking the way it looks in the living room, though : )

Remember this awesome rusty star I won from Chipping With Charm that was going to go in his room? Yeah, it hasn't made it there yet, either. 

I'll leave you with a little tip that I used on the vintage feedsack fabric. It does still have visible stains on it, but it had large dark rust stains on it when I got it. I read somewhere {probably Pinterest} that putting lemon juice on the fabric and placing it in the sun to dry would remove, or at least lighten, the rust stains and it really worked! 

Thanks so much for coming by today! 

Sharing this week over at
Party Junk at Funky Junk Interiors
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Treasure Hunt Thursday at From My Front Porch to Yours
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs Olson
Knick of Time Tuesday
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


  1. This is just lovely. I can see why your family wanted to keep such a charming piece.

  2. Good Morning Jeanette. What is it about little stools. I love them too and yours is just so sweet. Love the new cover. It really is a cutie.

  3. I have the exact same feedsack! And I used it to reupholster a vintage chair that was originally in my parents' bedroom when I was growing up. Your stool looks great. Thanks for the tip on removing the rust stains. I love the old feedsacks but some of them really are pretty dirty:) xo Kathleen

  4. Cute! No one can resist a little stool! It's so sweet! Those kids have good taste! ;)

  5. Super cute Jeanette! I picked up a feed sack last April and have been thinking I would make a pillow or two out of it. But now, I remembered that I had a footstool base that I bought at a thrift shop in AZ two years ago that has just been hanging out in my garage. I think I need to buy a piece of plywood and foam and cover it with my feed sack. Thanks for the inspiration! And thanks for sharing with SYC.

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