
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lights, Fabric, Action!

I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend! We had a very relaxed Easter Sunday over here. Church, then home to cook and spend the afternoon hanging out with my oldest daughter and son-in-law. 
It was very casual, and just what I hoped for our day. 

Spring is taking its sweet time getting to western Colorado,
as it usually does. But we're finally seeing some green appearing in the neighborhood!  

I'm a little all over the place today, as I'm getting ready to have a little trip to Denver with my 16 year old, Mikayla, tomorrow. I'm super excited and I'll tell you what we're up to at the end of this post!

I just wanted to share a few of the creative things I've been up to the past couple of weeks. I've always been in love with fabric. I know I've said this before, but a stack of pretty linens really is like a work of art to me. The last couple of weeks, it seems to be all about the fabric and lamps! 

Remember my junk style garden fencing shade

This photo is a little distorted, but I've been working on updating it a bit by replacing the fabric strips with some panels of vintage feed sacks. You can find the tutorial for this unique shade over here

Yes, this is my dining area. Sigh. I really did have it straightened up for Easter, but somehow it always reverts to being the creative (super messy) space. 

I have a pair of these vintage Alacite lamps. I'm working on shades for them and plan to sell them when they're ready. 

A friend gave me this great old tattered lamp shade awhile back. I actually had it on one of my lamps 'as is', but my family really thought it crossed the "shabby" line- even for me : ) 

I'm really getting more comfortable with the sewing machine the past couple of weeks, and I'm working on making a new cover for the shade from an old laundry service bag. I will try to have it listed in the shop next week : ) 

This is the lamp I did have the tattered shade on at one time. I picked up this simple linen-looking shade at a thrift store for only $2.00 recently. I know it's a little over-sized for the lamp, but I can live with it until the next round of lamp shade shuffling! 

I'm really enjoying these scripture cards by Jones Design Company. Vintage flatware card/photo holder available here.  

I always seem to be a little slow on trying the latest 'popular' decorating elements. This is my first ever drop cloth project! 

I simply cut a drop cloth in half, folded the top down to achieve the length I wanted for the curtain rod already in place there, and hung them with ring clips. So easy it's almost embarrassing. I do think I will add another panel for extra fullness, but I really love the natural, soft look of this fabric and am looking forward to using it again. 

A few more fabric projects in the works...
I can't wait to show you what I'm working on for the shop, soon, including some never-done-on-the-blog-before baby items! 

And lastly vintage "darling".....

Back in January, I shared the story (and a call for help) for this vintage chandelier my brother had given me over the holidays. It got broken on our trip home from California and I was not sure how I would proceed to get it repaired. You can see the original post about that here

Thanks for all the great advice you guys gave me about repairing it! I decided that since it might be a long time until I had money to have it professionally repaired, or even order replacement pieces for it, that I would go with what I already had on hand to at least attempt the repair myself. I knew if it didn't work, there would be no real harm done, and I'd just have to wait to get it repaired. 

What I already had on hand was two-part epoxy, and I'm happy to report that (so far) that seems to have worked just fine for reattaching the broken parts! 

I am fantasizing about how pretty this would look over the kitchen island, or replacing the unattractive ceiling fan in my bedroom! My friend Katie {a.k.a. the 'chandelier queen'} would have had this knocked out long ago : ) 

But to be realistic, living in a rented home makes it pretty unlikely that I will go to the effort of taking down an existing fixture and having this chandelier wired in. 

When I finally choose its perfect spot, I'll wire it up with a swag cord that plugs into the wall. Have I mentioned how much I love this thing? : ) A special thanks, again, to my brother and sister-in-law for this awesome gift. 


So what in the world am I making a six hour round-trip drive to Denver for tomorrow? Well, a Switchfoot concert, of course! (hehe) Yes, we did just see them in Aspen in November {a little about that here} but my teenager is the world's biggest Switchfoot fan, and she admires these guys so much. I sort of love the idea of the two of us heading out on a little adventure and making some super fun memories together. (A huge thank you to my friends for keeping the younger kids!)

Can I ask a little favor of you? If you are a praying woman {or man- wait, ARE there any men here? speak up! :) } As we head off in my "iffy" van, into the "iffy" weather and with my "iffy" sanity-ha! would you be willing to pray for us? 

You guys are just the best.

See you soon!


Sharing over at
Thrifty Life Thursday at Revisionary Life
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm


  1. Awww. Thanks for the shout out! I will certainly pray for a safe trip. I sold the iffy van last week so I get it. I love, love the chandelier and I'm so glad it is working! It looks beautiful and it's in a great spot.

  2. First of all, safe travels...and enjoy Switchfoot. I saw them once. Loved it. Second: your first dropcloth project??? I LOVE that stuff :)

  3. So much to say: the lampshades you are working on
    ...good job with the drop cloth
    ...have fun at the concert thoughts will be with you for a safe and uneventful adventure

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the truck in your header.

  4. There was a lot here,Jeanette! Loving your drop cloth project. Watch out-working with drop cloth is addictive and may be hazardous to your credit card.
    I am happy you were able to fix the chandy -it's a beauty! Your lampshades will be great, too, when you are done with them.
    I am praying for a safe drive for you and your daughter...No "iffys" about it! xo Diana

  5. I will pray you there and back and enjoy your unfolding projects while you are gone! :) Glad you can have a bit of an adventure. Dina

  6. The chandy is such a great piece and so glad it is repaired. Your trip sounds like so much fun, enjoy and I will be praying.

  7. Love your garden fencing shade! I'm praying you have a safe trip and a wonderful time! (I really like Switchfoot :)

  8. You are so creative, love your shade and that chandelier is so pretty. I'm so glad you managed to fix it.
    I'm so glad you had a relaxing Easter. And I didn't know you had a married daughter. What a blessing!
    have a safe trip Jeanette,

  9. I've been following your blog for awhile now & really enjoy your creativity. I also enjoy how you share your faith with others & have been blessed by that. I will be praying for you to have a very blessed & safe trip. I will be thinking of you when I hear Switchfoot on the radio :-)

  10. I couldn't believe it when I read this post. I have a smaller version (only 4 arms and not quite as fancy...but still cute). My granddaughter stepped on mine and broke an arm off exactly where yours is broke. I kept it, but was afraid to attempt a repair. Did you use a metal specific two-part epoxy or just regular~~~would really appreciate knowing. I've never found another petite chandelier and I'm having the area it was intended for remodeled and would really love to use it. Best~~~Mickie

  11. That fencing chandelier is so cute...going to steal this idea!!! I have a great weakness for chairs and lamps, chandeliers and shades. Your newest follower~~~~Best, Mickie

  12. I love all your lighting projects! Thanks so much for sharing at Revisionary Life Thrifty Life Thursday!

  13. So I was cleaning out my car yesterday and found a couple crystals from the chandelier in the back...Remind me to get those to you someday.

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