
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Little Rosemary Wreath

As I mentioned in my last post {here}, we are going to be away from our Colorado home this Christmas for the first time ever. Yikes!
But, we are super excited to be spending the holidays with our family and friends in California this year. Waking up in my childhood home on Christmas morning, with all of my kids (even the grown ones!) will be a special time, indeed.

Because we'll be gone over Christmas, I'm doing some simple crafting and decorating now so we can feel like we've had a little Christmas magic in our own home before we leave!

 Simple Rosemary Wreath

A few months ago, my daughter and I were cleaning and organizing all the kitchen cabinets. (You'd never know it, now. Just sayin' )
I'm a little embarrassed to say how many containers of dried spices were way way past being usable for cooking. But when I came to a container of Rosemary, I thought it looked too pretty to throw out! Kinda silly, I know. 
I decided to keep it with the craft supplies until I decided what to do with it.

Today's "simple Christmas" project is really the happy result of not cleaning out my kitchen spice cabinet often enough : )

 This isn't a complete tutorial, because I got distracted and forgot to take photos of the last couple of steps! But it's so super easy, you'll get the idea. 

I had in mind a tiny wreath and as I was gathering up supplies I spotted one of my kid's CD's on the counter and it was just the right size to use as a template. I traced around it on a scrap piece of cardboard. No, not a cereal box this time : )

A small jar was a good size for the center circle. Poke a hole in the center circle with a pencil or your scissors. Simply cut around the inside and outside circle with your scissors. 
It's not necessary to be perfect because the edges of the cardboard are pretty well covered when you're finished. Here's where I failed to document the rest of what I did- oops!

First, I coated the cardboard ring with Mod Podge. I think any craft glue would be fine, I just grabbed what was closest. I covered the glued cardboard with the Rosemary and let it dry. 
At this stage, the wreath was looking a little "flat" still. I decided to go over the top of the Rosemary with a thicker layer of hot glue and piled more Rosemary on. That gave me more of the look I was going for. 

As a fun little side note: I discovered today that the symbolic meaning of Rosemary is remembrance, love, loyalty and fidelity. Pretty sweet for Christmas! 
If you're interested in finding out the symbolic meaning of other herbs, I found the information HERE.

I made a tiny banner of brown paper with the word "Hope" printed on it and attached it with hot glue. 

For me, it's a favorite word all the time. 

But especially at Christmastime it symbolizes all that the birth of Jesus Christ means to me. 

Hope for love. Hope for redemption. Hope for guidance and purpose throughout my life. Hope for eternal life with Him when we leave this crazy place! 

Have you noticed how much I love using torn strips of white cotton fabric as ribbons? I don't know what it is. 
I do love a gorgeous velvet or silk ribbon, as well, but there's just something so pretty to me about a slightly shabby piece of white cotton fabric!

As you can see, I created a little hanging ribbon and bow from the torn strips of white cotton. I hung my little Rosemary wreath in front of a chalkboard slate in an old gold frame. I'll tell you a little more about that in my next post, okay? 

I'll be back soon to share a little vignette I created around the Rosemary wreath.

How about you? Have you created anything recently out of something you almost tossed out? 

Thanks for reading, friends!


Joining the fun over here this week:

Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House 
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch 
The Scoop 
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life 
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House 
What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
Centerpiece Wednesday at The Style Sisters
Share Your Cup at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson 
Be Inspired at Common Ground
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home 
Party Junk at Funky Junk Interiors 


  1. I bet it smells good too and it looks adorable. I know you will enjoy being in California with your family.

    1. It would smell BETTER if it wasn't so old- haha. Maybe I need to get some fresh Rosemary and make some more? Thanks, Katie!

  2. perfect for Christmas, now what could I do with stale Cherrios? LOL!!

    1. Something tells me that someone has probably come up with a project for those too, Debra! (hehe)

  3. OMGosh, you are SO creative, Jeanette!! I think this is the cutest little wreath ever!
    (Now I need you to come over and clean out my cabinets and make something fun-ha!)

  4. My mind obviously thinks a lot like yours because just before I read your comment about strips of paper I told myself that I must stamp some paper ribbon.

  5. Beautiful Jeanette!! You are so creative and resourceful too! I love the little tag at the bottom of the wreath too. xo

  6. Jeanette this is genius. What a great idea and so glad you could repurpose the Rosemary. I bet it smells so great as a new little wreath.

  7. This looks so lovely. And the symbolism of Rosemary makes it even more special.

  8. Jeanette, what a clever and innovative idea. The wreath is super cute, and looks amazing against the chalkboard frame. I'm visiting for the first time and just became your newest follower. Would love for you to follow me back at I look forward to visiting your site again soon.

    Happy Thanksgiving
    Betty (maddiebellahome)

  9. Hi Jeanette, what a lovely way to create your new wreath. Thanks for sharing it. Glad to find you on Marty's party today.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  10. This is exactly the sort of thing that I have been enjoying doing this year! Such a darling little wreath. The meaning of rosemary is perfect too. You have a wonderful Christmas lined up! I hope you have a lovely Thankgiving as well. Thanks so much for the very nice comment on my Christmas table from last year. It gives me a real lift!

  11. Have a safe and happy holiday season. I am tickled to know the meaning of rosemary. This post is going to be a pick of the week for my post titled Son of Inspired By. I'd like to use a teaser picture. Please let me know if you object.

  12. This is adorable, and I bet it smells divine! Thanks for the info about what spices mean.
    You seem to find creativity everywhere, even when you clean, LOL! Have a happy and blessed

  13. So cute and I bet it smells pretty too! Love it framed. Have a wonderful Christmas in CA. Thanks ofr sharing with SYC.

  14. That is super cute. I know it smells good too.


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