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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Nature Inspired Fall Foyer {Pt. 2}- The Stairway

As I sit in my living room writing this post this afternoon, this is the view from my window. Brrr!

All that cold sure makes for a pretty view though, right? 

If there's anything prettier than fall trees in all their glory, it's fall trees with a bit of snow in the background. 

 Just gorgeous! {she says, from her toasty living room}

In my last post I welcomed you in out of the cold into our Nature Inspired Foyer.

As you step into the entryway, the stairs are straight ahead. When we moved into this home I saw the grand potential of this 2-story wall along the stairs. Oh, the possibilities for this expansive space!

I've had visions of a gallery wall of family photos, and my kids' framed artwork. Or how about one or two giant handmade pieces?

Fast forward nearly 3 years (!) and the wall was still a big blank canvas of potential. Knowing I didn't have the supplies on hand {or the cash} to create some of the ideas that have been spinning around in my brain, I figured I'd finally just get moving on creating something with things I already have around here.

After picking through my junk, I decided to use three unique, but similar, wood pieces as a starting point to add some interest to this stairway wall.

I started with the chunky wood piece that sort of looks like a section of fence. This was a curbside freebie I picked up last spring. I recently tried using it as a doormat on my simple Fall front porch, but ultimately decided I was too likely to trip on it!

One top of each of the white wood pieces, I layered three identical rustic frames {thrift store purchase, several years ago}, and placed a simple collection of items from nature. In this first frame, a feather and egg.

Heading up, the second white painted wood piece I used is the lid from a toy crate that once held some sort of a building set. The toys are gone now, but of course I just knew the crate would be useful for something
Again, layered with a rustic frame, this time framing a fall leaf and an abandoned wasp's nest I found outside our home.   


 The last white painted wood piece I used is an old cabinet door from when we remodeled our kitchen at our last home. Why do I still have this cabinet door, you ask? Uum... well... I knew I'd need it as wall decor some day? 

Anyway, now it is wall decor. Layered with the last rustic frame, an acorn and...

...this cute little guy I swiped from my daughter's toy animal collection. 

What I really like about this set of layered frames is how easy it will be to change out the items inside the frames whenever the whim strikes me! 

On the upper stairway wall I hung a large canvas with the frame side out. I bought the canvas at a thrift store a couple of years ago for around a dollar. 
Someone had spray painted something decidedly unattractive on the front, but I have painted over it more than once, most recently as a sign for a friend's wedding this past summer. 

I like the "deconstructed" look of the back of the canvas, and simply tacked a fall branch to it (sorry, blurry photo)

What is this? Well, it's a vintage beach chair that I turned into a beach-y towel rack some time back.

Sometimes when you need something for a certain area of the house, you just have to swipe something from another space, right?

I just covered over the beach print with a piece of an old canvas bag and placed one of my upcycled paper wreaths over it on a vintage hanger. 

{before. well, I mean after it was a chair}

When you are on the stairs, this is what you see out the upper window. At least for a bit longer, until all those beautiful leaves disappear!

This antique suitcase was a recent thrift store find. I'm still deciding if I'm keeping or selling.
At least for a little while it will look cute here on the landing ; )

I was able to add some much needed personality to this space {without spending any money} by using items I already had, and pulling in simple pieces from nature.

I only wish I'd done it sooner!

I'm so glad you came by today. Being able to share our home with you adds so much joy to every project! It just wouldn't be the same without you. 



See you over at...



  1. Oh my, this is so pretty. I love how light and open it all is. Hugs, Marty

  2. Love what you did...and all that amazing light you get in there is incredible!

  3. Your foyer and wall decorations are so pretty! I don't like the view of snow out your window though. ;-)

  4. Jeanette, I love the simplicity of the rustic framed works. Everything wonderful in Nature! Really made a statement on that wall.

  5. Beautiful. I love all the natural touches.

  6. Jeanette it looks wonderful. I love your pretty door and your wall décor is so creative with the organic touches. That suitcase is a real find too!

  7. I love it! Your view of that tree is amazing.

  8. Girl, you have been featured on Funky Junk Interiors. Way to go!!!

  9. Oh, I love what you've created!! It all looks so unique and wonderful (plus I adore that vintage suitcase!!)
    And also, you've got a stunning view! :)

  10. Everything looks so bright, cheery and wonderfully fall. I love using what I have as well.

  11. Jeannette,

    You have some incredible views! I love how you repurpose things to new and clever uses.

    Well done, ma'am!

  12. that is such a beautiful and smart project! I agree, you can totally swap out the nature items according to seasons and holidays.

  13. Your house is so cute! I love everything you've done. And the view is amazing!

  14. I. Love. Every. Inch. Your home is so wonderful. all your amazing touches show so much personality and warmth!!


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