
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hanging Rack for the Entryway

Before we went to California, I bought a set of these cool vintage date nails from the Knick of Time Etsy shop.

I recently used this image in the post I did about my 49th birthday. Pretty awesome coincidence that she just happened to send me the 49 : )

I've been following Angie's blog and shop for over a year and her creativity is always inspiring. She's one of my "junk idols"!

I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to use them for, but recently it became obvious to me that our entryway needed some t.l.c. and a little organization. I decided to use the date nails to create a hanging rack out of the top piece of a vintage crib panel. 

I picked up two curbside crib panels several years back. One became a chalkboard {currently in my living room} 

The other one I took apart and used some of the parts to make the backdrop for my electric fireplace. I was left with this top section and the center panel (I have a plan for that, too).

I attached two D-ring hangers to the back. I pre-drilled the holes for the nails a bit so I wouldn't crack the wood, then carefully hammered them in until they felt firmly in place. I didn't get the angles all perfectly matched, but you know that doesn't bother me.

Super easy! My son is a little bummed because he thought I might be using those nails for some hanging space in his room, though. Who knows, maybe I'll get another set. ;)

I'm loving our new hanging space in the entryway. Now to figure out how to handle the ever-present pile of shoes-hmm...

I'll be sharing the rest of the entryway and stairs area in my next post, so be sure and come back soon.

Thanks so much for reading, friends!


Sharing this week at these fun gatherings:


  1. Happy Birthday! I love your coat rack. So cute!

  2. that is a very genius idea. Wonderful and useful for sure.

  3. what a cute clever ides, love how it looks in the room...loved the post, I am now your newest follower and I will be back again, come on over and visit..

  4. You never cease to amaze me!! This is absolutely gorgeous :) xo


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