
Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Few Fall Favorites

I've spent most of my Sunday on the sofa trying to recover from a wretched cough/cold thing that's been hanging on for several days. 
I don't know about you, but I always feel guilty when I'm not doing something. After all, there's so much to be done! 
Even as I lay here feeling week and sick, I'm mentally beating myself up because the house is messy, or I didn't get to the grocery store, etc.

Why can't I ever give myself the peace of having permission to
Maybe a holdover from being married to someone who always told me I wasn't doing or being "enough".... ever?

I don't know, but whatever the source, I truly need to work on this! Back me up friends-it really is okay to rest when you know you need to, right?

Thank you.

That said.....I've shared some of the beautiful images of Colorado Fall outdoors {and there's more to come} but today I'm going to share a few of the images I've snapped recently of some of my favorite indoor Autumn lovelies. 

* * * * *

{A piece of my daughter's sweater from when she was a toddler (she's now 16), velvet and silk flowers and leaves, and vintage pearl beads have become a one-of-a-kind necklace for her. From mom, with love}

{Red pears-juicy, sweet and beautiful. A favorite Fall treat}

{An acorn-type seed, brought home from our trip to California. A tiny work of art}

{Another Fall treat-especially when you're not feeling well!}

{Currier & Ives Autumn tray}

{My dream house-smile}

{A favorite Fall plate-a gift from a friend}

This year, maybe more than other years, I feel compelled to capture and hold onto, the beauty of my favorite season before it is trampled by the world's stampede toward Christmas! 

I am thankful for this season and this day (sick or not) and thankful for you being here, friends.

Sharing this week over at:

The Scoop 
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House 
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Tutorials Tips and Tidbits at StoneGable 
Be Inspired at Common Ground 
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage 


  1. Hope you feel better soon after some well deserved rest. You captured this autumn loveliness perfectly.

  2. Hope you feel better soon after some well deserved rest. You captured this autumn loveliness perfectly.

  3. Such pretty photos, the pears are so perfect they look fake. Yes, it is ok to rest and let things go everything can't be perfect all the time. Your health is more important than having everything in order. Give yourself permission to take care of yourself. God Bless

  4. Jeanette, please rest. Do nothing. Watch TV. Cuddle under a blanket. Eat your favorite ice cream. Let the kitchen stay dirty. Nap. Drink your tea. Glance up at the dirty kitchen and do nothing. Hang out with your kids...and enjoy your rest because deserve it! It's that simple... :)
    Also, I really enjoyed this post, especially your special gift to your daughter. What a creative idea and it's so you. Thoughtful and sweet. I do agree about the mad rush through the holidays too, it's my major complaint about blogging. It seems to create a momentum that feels rushed to me. Everyone trying to get their decorations up and their posts out in time for linky parties. I'm terrible about keeping up, but oh well, I like my slow poke pace.
    I hope you feel better soon, thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog.

  5. I hope this finds you feeling better. I loved this post. I am so sorry you ever felt you weren't doing enough. We put enough pressure on ourselves, as moms, women, wives, to do it all without external pressure as well. Rest up and thanks for the reminder to enjoy the season before us.
    P.S. I love, love that gravy boat, silver platter and acorn!!

  6. I have been praying especially diligently for you since reading this post! I hope you are on the mend... and the fall touches made ME feel LOTS better! :) After fall... I'll be home! Dina

  7. Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous. I love you style. Thanks for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  8. Yes, rest when your body needs it! That is so important, but we tend not to do that. I am like too.

    Love the Currier and ives trays! I have them too! The one for fall is my favorite!

  9. Your pictures are beautiful and the pear have an amazing colour.

  10. Yes my friend, it is o.k. to rest. One things for sure, the work will not go away. lol! Hope you are on the mend. Hubby is coming down with a cold. No kisses for him. hee-hee! I love your sweet images. The pears are so stunning they do not look real. I love the unusual acorn too. I have that same plate and it's one of my favs. Will be pulled out for Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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