
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Snippets: Easter, Spring, Daily Life

No exciting project to share, just some random photos of an ordinary day, and a bit about our Easter tree. 

Some Spring decor possibilities. In a big messy pile. Yikes!


Deer grazing peacefully on the lawn : )

Herman the gerbil cruising around in his ball.

Another pot of grass seeds started. 

Trying out some different Spring decor in the dining room.  
It's a sickness : )

Cheerios with "Elton Egg", while my 5 year old pretends to fiddle a song from Fiddler on the Roof using his drumsticks. 

Messy, but cheerful collection of baby quilts and tablecloths. 

9 year old Amelia, becoming the world's best pancake maker!

 We've been doing an Easter tree for years, which always involves me dragging a branch home from one of our outings. 

We use ornaments that represent different sections of scripture.

This year I did something a little different and used some branches I already had to form an Easter tree cross. I used a galvanized bucket full of rocks to stand it up. 

Sometimes 'ordinary' is the best kind of beautiful, don't you think?



Sharing over at:
Party Junk at Funky Junk Interiors

Treasure Hunt Thursday at From My Front Porch to Yours 
Creative Inspirations at Embracing Change 
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home 
Be Inspired at Common Ground 


  1. Such warm and beautiful images...reminds me of a life beuatifully lived, so homely, makes me smile!


  2. "Ordinary" days can be the best ones to have!! I love your Easter tree. What a great idea!
    Mary Alice

  3. Beautiful, elegant, and so meaningful. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous ideas!!

    xo, Tanya

  4. ordinary is the best kind of beautiful! now I need to get a couple of branches for our cross! thank you

  5. Loving all the things you have gathered for Spring. The quilts are so pretty:)

  6. That vintage lamb has such a sweet look. Can't wait to see what you do with the vintage cross stitch.
    What a blessing have the best pancake maker actually living in your house. ;) Have a blessed Easter

  7. Really fun snippet of you! The cross is a great idea...saving this one for next year!
    Thanks for linking up this week!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  8. Yes Jeanette, it's those every day things that make life so special. Love the Easter tree and all of your other snippets! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.


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