
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Salvaged Wood Crosses

A couple of months ago my daughter was moving, and asked if I wanted an old chair that had been out on her deck. I'm pretty sure it was already falling apart when it came into her possession. It had been outside for quite some time, and it was wobbly, chippy and weather beaten. Did I want it? Well, yeah! : )

This is the real deal. I've done nothing to the finish at all.

It really wasn't worth the work it would take to save it as a chair 
(I wish I had taken a photo) so I decided to just take it apart and see what inspiration came to me. It was pretty easy, it mostly fell apart.

Last week I saw some of Linda's awesome handmade crosses over at Coastal Charm, and the wheels started turning...

I decided to try my hand at making some crosses too, using the chair parts.

Kind of funky and rustic, which I love.

The holes on the back of the larger ones, where the pieces once joined together, make a perfect built-in hanger. I'll add a hanger to the smaller one, but it looks good just sitting on a shelf, etc. you think the more rustic side with the holes should be the front of the crosses? Hmm...

The cross is a very important symbol of my family's faith. For us it represents the astounding love that God pours out to each of us. 

 "God made him who had no sin (Jesus) to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" 
2 Corinthians 5:21

All that needed to be accomplished for us to have an eternal relationship with our loving creator, Jesus accomplished by willingly dying a brutal death on the cross. It's not always an easy thing to wrap our minds around, is it? That's a crazy kind of love.

 If I can tweak these a bit to make sure they're really sturdy, I might make them available at The Penny and the Pearl tomorrow. We'll see...

"..Jesus said, 'It is finished.' With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit."
John 19:30

What's going on in my dining room?? I'll try to show you soon, ok?  :o)

It's not feeling too "Springy" here in Colorado today! Very chilly with snow showers off and on all day.

I've only managed to start one container of wheat grass, but it's doing really well. It looks pretty cheerful on a gloomy day!
 See ya soon!


  1. Hi Jeanette,
    Love the crosses. What a wonderful idea. I love making something beautiful and meaningful from things most would throw away.

    My sweet hubby and I recently made a garden angel from parts of his beloved old sofa. She makes me very happy.

    Check your email for a photo.

  2. What a wonderful idea. I love all of your crosses, they look beautiful in your vignette. Thanks so much for following my blog, I am now our newest follower. I host a linky party called Table Top Tuesday. This would be perfect to link up to my party. It will be up this afternoon. Hope to see you there. Hugs, Marty

  3. Great reuse of those chair parts, Jeanette! Perfect for the Easter season as well.
    Many blessings to you,

  4. I am so glad you joined teh party. Thanks. Hugs, Marty

  5. Very lovely idea! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog earlier!

  6. Oh I love your crosses Jeanette! So glad to have found your beautiful blog! So glad you stopped by mine! Now following along too! Have a great day!

  7. Love the crosses , I have an old chair that I couldn't throw away but couldn't be fixed so I think I will try to make me some crosses... Thank you for being an Inspiration ...


  8. Your crosses are beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration...I have an old table that is falling apart and it would be perfect for making some crosses. Happy Easter, Gail

  9. Love the crosses. What an inspiration. Blessings to you, Patti


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