
Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Big 5

Don't you just love spontaneous projects?
I've always had a thing for letters and numbers in decorating. For a long time I've had a special thing for the number 5. 

Every time I see something like this in a magazine or on Pinterest, it always catches my eye and I think someday I'd really like to try making a large sign or wooden number myself. 

How to make a giant number or letter out of plywood... for FREE! via

Let's just say it hasn't been at the top of the priority list. 

But then a couple of days ago I saw Donna from Funky Junk pin one of her tutorials about making a giant number. I headed over to her blog and something just clicked! I decided right then I was going to give it a try, only a little smaller scale.  

I really wanted to make the number from plywood, and I wanted to make it really large, but I didn't want to wait around for when a piece of plywood might come my way. I wanted to try it NOW. So I opted to do a practice run, of sorts, in a less intimidating size. I've never cut out an actual shape with the jigsaw (purchased for $3.00 last summer at a yard sale), I've only done straight cuts with it. So using a piece of Masonite board I already had and making the number just over 26" tall seemed a little more manageable, and if I messed it up, no harm done!

I didn't measure ahead of time, I just drew the number the size I wanted with chalk {Donna's method} and cut around it. I'm sorry I didn't photo that part, but you can see the full tutorial over at Funky Junk

If you follow me on Facebook, you saw me post my late night "in progress" photo from my kitchen counter. I promised I'd show you "prettier" pictures when I was all done!

I lightly sanded the number, and painted it with black acrylic paint. When it was completely dry, I gave it a more aged and worn look by sanding off some of the black in places, and sanding all around the edges.  

Yes, I do know my 5 isn't perfect. Good thing this was just practice, right? I stuck the number onto a piece of faux brick panel that I use behind our electric fireplace in the winter. I guess I'll be re-thinking that when winter comes! 

Then I realized if I was going to show it to you today, I'd better quickly come up with a little vignette centered around it. 

Recently I showed you our Summer Dining Room, and confessed to what my table really looks like much of the time. Oh boy.

The piano sits right between the dining room and living room areas and there hasn't been anything going on there cute-wise for some time, so I chose this spot for my not-so-giant number 5 vignette. 

I quickly pulled together some of my favorite elements- metal, chippy painted wood, ironstone, old book pages, vintage sheet music, words and letters. {It was dark in the room and I totally had my camera on the wrong setting-boo. Sorry, I just didn't have time to re-take them} 

I have four of these chippy table legs, and two of them are being used as part of one of the two headboards on my bed right now. 

{You can pop over here to see the details on that}

I keep thinking I'm going to turn this sign I made for a friend's wedding reception into something else, but somehow it just keeps showing up in the decor over here! 

I hope you enjoyed seeing my spontaneous DIY medium sized number 5 project today! I feel much more confident about making a really big one when the right piece of wood comes along. 

Head over to Funky Junk Interiors for the REAL giant number tutorial, and a million other inspiring projects, too! 

Have you just spontaneously decided to try out a new kind of project lately? I'd love to hear about it! 

Thanks for coming by today!


Joining these fun parties-
Sundays at Home at Thoughts From Alice
Junkin' Joe at The Cottage Market
Party Junk at Funky Junk Interiors
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Treasure Hunt Thursday at From My Front Porch to Yours
Under $100 Party at Beyond the Picket Fence
What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs.Olson
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Knick of Time Tuesday
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
The Scoop at StoneGable
Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch


  1. Your "5" turned out great, Jeanette. It creates a nice focal point along with all of your sweet goodies on your piano!

  2. Gorgeous blog & style, Jeanette. I just started following you.

    And, yes, I DO love spontaneous projects! :)

    Have a happy one,

  3. What a beautiful blog and love your latest project! Adore your dining room!

  4. Hi! I am visiting from Art and Sand. I love your 5!! It turned out great.

  5. Good Morning Jeanette. This is a great vignette. I love the Let's Dance sign on the piano that is too cute. The number 5 came out great. You are so creative. I love everything on the vignette.

  6. I love your attitude! And your number. I have a thing for numbers, too. :) Your house is looking so the whites.

  7. turned out great! cutting with a jig saw is not too bad...although when using a "flimsy", thinner sheet of wood, it really makes it hard to keep the wood from jiggling and split. I love the size of your 5, but I also like some of the larger scale ones in the pictures you posted. ...and I love a $0/low cost project :)

  8. You did great! Great job picking up and going with it. I need to do that more often. Love the Let's Dance sign too. :)

  9. I love your #5 and the vignette surrounding it.

    I also love the big Let's Dance on the piano.

    Great spontaneity!

  10. Great job on your first jigsaw curvy cuts! Your 5 looks great, imperfect and all! ~Ann
    Tarnished Royalty

  11. I think you did an amazing job! It looks so good over the piano like that. Gorgeous vignettes!

  12. Love it Jeanette! I have a thing for numbers too. #7 is my fav, but I really like 5 also. Have 5 kids, add hubby and I and that makes 7. Plus my birthday is in July so that's why I love 7. I really would like to do this some time. I am going to hop over and see what Donna has to show also. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  13. I love it. What a fun project. My office/craft closet was done is a spurt of spontaneity. Thanks for the inspiration.

  14. Perfection and I love it and you!!! So happy to stop by and see the beauty you create. You truly inspire me!!

    Have a love filled weekend Jeanette
    Love Kate xoxo

  15. Great looks! Everything is truly original and perfect.

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