
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Creating a Life Blog Headers {and summer art!}

One of my favorite parts of blogging is creating a header {sometimes referred to as a banner} that represents the current season or projects I've recently completed, etc. 

I try to use
some of my very favorite photos when creating a header, and so I thought it would be fun to gather some of them together here. Sort of like a Creating a Life memory book : )

This isn't all of them, and they won't necessarily be in the order they've appeared, because I'm just not that organized- darn it! But I hope you'll enjoy a little Creating a Life photo tour of the past 19 months {has it really been that long?} 

The one below, from summer of 2013, is probably my all-time favorite. Come take a little stroll down memory lane with me! 

Can you guys tell how much I love those little PicMonkey birds? {smile}

This last one is probably my second favorite. How about you? What's your favorite Creating a Life header? 

Since I don't yet have a separate page for photography, I am going to create a permanent "page" for headers {it will be displayed in the tabs at the top of my blog} and just keep adding to it. For me, each little collage is like a mini piece of art representing my blogging journey. I love that! 

Speaking of art...... 

what are your kids doing this summer? 

Especially this summer {when I don't think we're going to be able to make any trips-boo!!} MY kids will be looking for some extra creative things to fill the long summer days. Enter the Summer Art Camp for Kids over at Jeanne Oliver's creative network!

This video course is taught by author and paper artist Courtney Walsh, and begins June 17th. It's for ages 5-adult and will cover 5 mixed media projects. My kids are going to be in heaven getting to do some art directed by someone other than their mom ;) The course is very affordable, and they're even including some special templates for boys, which my 7 year old Silas will appreciate, being the only boy in a world full of girls over here! 

Right now Jeanne is doing a super exciting HUGE art supply giveaway! You won't need any "fancy" art supplies for this course, but it would sure be awesome to win some cool new stuff to play with, right?!

Head over to Jeanne Oliver Designs to get the scoop on all the details. Get ready to make some fun art AND create some awesome summer memories with your kids! 

See ya soon, friends.


Sharing over at
Show and Share {new name!} at Coastal Charm
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Sundays at Home at Thoughts From Alice


  1. My favorite is the one with the aqua/rusty truck.

    What a fun post!

  2. You do such a great job on your headers, Jeanette. I could pick out more than one favorite, but I do love the last one.
    Mary Alice

  3. I love these type of headers showing pictures of the life of the blogger, my favorite is the very 1st one!

  4. Gorgeous! I'm actually in awe of people who have the skill and patience to do things like that. It really personalizes your blog. :)

  5. I love all your headers. It truly reflects your style and projects

  6. Ooo hard choice. I love several, maybe the one with lots of light blues with the bird/cloche and lamb figurine. Or wait, the love letters, nest and door. : ) I hope you're enjoying the Creatively Made classes as much as I am. Have a creative weekend! ~Ann
    Tarnished Royalty

  7. I love all your headers and your blog too! Hugs, Di

  8. Hi my friend,
    I am trying to catch up with blogs now that I am back from vacation. Love all your headers but my fav is the last one with the old truck. Love that one. Have a great week end.

  9. I love all of them...but my favorite is the last one with the aqua rusty truck.

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    I really hope you join in.

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