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Thursday, March 6, 2014

DIY Garden Gate Decor

My friend Jeannetta is going to clobber me. 

About 12 years ago we went to a yard sale together. It was at a ridiculously charming vintage home here in town. The poor woman having the sale was going through a nasty divorce, and basically she wanted everything in the house to just go away. 

In the dining room area, we both spotted a cute handmade hutch-type shelf sitting on top of some sort of built in. Well, somehow I managed to get to it first {only a tiny bit of guilt :) } and it came home with me. 

I do recall, though, that we agreed when I didn't want it anymore that I would pass it on to her. No problem. Great! 

Here it is hanging on my dining room wall two Christmases ago. 

This thing has been with me through 3 homes now, and in every room it could fit in. It's been hung on walls, even used as a closet organizer. Since the bottom shelf is much wider than the upper shelves, it has served as a hutch-type piece on desks, tables and dressers. 

The thing is, it's really shallow and really not all that functional as a shelf. 

The other thing is, about 9 months ago I decided to take it apart and store the boards in my "possibility pile" in the garage. 

Sorry, Jeannetta! I didn't remember until it was too late. 

Remember a few weeks ago when I suddenly got the urge to redo my living room late at night? 

Well, I had been working on a plan to use these white boards to make an awesome (and huge) sign for the living room wall where my electric fireplace and vintage door mantel had been.  

I didn't remember to photograph it, but basically I used two pieces of old fence boards screwed to the back to hold all the boards together. 

I kept looking at it and thinking about it, and the shape was just off and I just wasn't 'feeling it'. I thought I'd try turning it the other way so the boards ran vertically, and removing the two shorter pieces from the ends and using them to create some sort of a barn door effect. 

I laid it on the floor with the main boards lined up tight together, and the shorter boards across the ends so I could see how much I would need to cut off of them. 

I decided to separate the boards to see how that would look, and all of a sudden this was looking like something completely different to me. It was starting to look like a gate, and I liked it! 

I wouldn't even need to cut anything- bonus! With the pieces on the floor face down, I screwed them together being careful to make sure the screws weren't too long : )

Have you ever accidentally screwed something to the floor? I haven't (yet), but I could see myself doing something like that.

I added a couple of antique hinges to the right side. These came off of a piece of an antique door that I literally stopped traffic to grab from the side of the road. 

It's a sickness. 

Some of you know what I'm talking about : ) 

On the left side I added a rusty latch that fell off of my old toolbox. You might be seeing that toolbox again in the finished living room. 

Just have to wait a bit and see. 

Okay, it's not a real gate, of course. But I love the way it hints at being a gate. And gardening. And Springtime!

What ever happened to the wider board that was the bottom shelf? 

I turned it into a sign for the dance floor at a friend's country wedding last summer. You might just be seeing this in the finished room this week, as well! 

From this... this. 

I put another rustic wood piece in front of the gate and hung one of my grandparents' Currier and Ives prints on top. I like the warmer wood tones of the frame with the white painted piece, but not 100% sure if it will stay like this...

still tweaking things around a bit. 

*I'm so excited to be sharing the finished living room over at A Stroll Thru Life for Marty's "Pulling It All Together" series!* 

I would love it if you would stop over and take a look! 

Oh, by the way- my friend Jeannetta lives in Oregon now, so I couldn't really have given her the shelf anyway : )

Blessings to you!


Sharing at these fun places this week
The Inspiration Gallery at Craftberry Bush
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Under $100 Party at Beyond the Picket Fence
Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style
Blissful Whites Wednesday at Timewashed
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Party Junk at Funky Junk Interiors
Feathered Nest Friday at The French Country Cottage
Thrifty Life Thursday at Revisionary Life
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Be Inspired at Common Ground
The Scoop Mega Spring Party at Cedar Hill Farmhouse


  1. That turned out fantastic, and you are still using the piece. I love that you found a way to repurpose it.

  2. Jeanette,
    It looks fantastic. I cannot wait to see the whole reveal. Love those old rusty chippy hinges you found to add to the piece. Gorgeous repurpose.

  3. You're a genius, Jeanette!! Love your "gate" with the rusty hinges. I know you'll have fun with this.
    Mary Alice

  4. I love your garden gate idea. The hinges add to the charm and it looks so pretty with that print too!

  5. fabulous job! It looks so old! and original! Your adding the ainting was a great idea!

  6. What a fantastic idea that came to be! Your "gate" looks just perfect with the painting and above the bed. I never would have been this clever!

    I'm visiting from Brenda's and I adore your blog already! Can't wait to see what you are up to next!


  7. Love the gate. You are so good at repurposing widths of wood. I can feel spring on the way!!!

  8. I love this transformation--you did an awesome job! Dee :)

  9. Your gate is absolutely CHARMING, especially grouped with that outdoor picture! Soooo sweet!

  10. Hi Jeanette! Your creation is beautiful. I saw your blog in Artful Blogging. I didn't buy it but remembered the name of your blog. I've been here before. Your steadfastness (my word for the year) is so evident. Your home is cozy and full of your loving touches. I want to encourage you my sweet sister that glorious days are ahead for you and your family. I love your tag line on your blog. It made me think of one of the Indiana Jones movies that Harrison Ford was in. They were in large cave and were using clues to get out and stay alive. One of the clues had to do with taking a step. Indiana Jones had to take a step on nothing. As he did the path appeared before him. Just sending love and encouragement to a fellow blogger. Blessings, Diane

  11. Jeanette, you are always so creative. I really love the way it turned out! Really does have a gate feel to it. The rusty hinges and latch are the icing on the cake. I'm sure Jeannetta would be pleased with the results.

  12. Though I loved it as a shelf, and really, can one have too many cute shelves? Your gate project turned out beautifully! Love the vintage hardware, and your "possibility" pile. I'm going to call my garage the "Possibility Garage" instead of the Hoarder Garage now. It sounds much more positive. Thanks for sharing this at Revisionary Life, Jeanette. :)

  13. Omigosh! I love it! and you could have been writing about me... Love your header too! new follower :)

    and thank you for visiting me!


  14. everyone needs a gate! love the reimagined shelving!

  15. Very creative! I like the painting with it.

  16. That is just perfect. You did a great job of repurposing it. Hope your friend still loves you even if you DID promise her the piece. lol xo Diana

  17. Hi, Jeanette! I found you on Marty's blog and I love what you've done with the place. The way you transformed those shelves is great - I wouldn't change a thing!

  18. I love how your repurposed that. I enjoyed your tour at Marty's. You have created a cute cottage home.

  19. I love this! You will be one of the features tomorrow at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Also, I have a new address: Hope to see you again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

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