
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Big Four Nine!

Last Monday was my birthday. 

Am I the only one who thinks the last birthday before a "milestone birthday" is kind of a big deal? 

After all, I just ushered in the very last year of my 40's-eek! While I've been looking forward to the Big 50 for a long time, I really want the year leading up to it to be memorable in it's own right.

{Vintage date nail from Knick of Time}

Celebrating my 49th actually stretched out over a few days, beginning the day before my actual birthday.

My son-in-law had heard that the Aspen Mountain gondola was running for free (normally $28.00 per person) that weekend and suggested we go up. Aspen is about an hour from our town, and I've been there several times, but never ridden the gondola. 

I loved the idea of celebrating the day together doing something none of us had done before!

The weather was perfect, the trees were dressed in their Autumn finest, I had all four of my kids together and the son-in-law. I was more than ready for a little adventure.

Come along with us as we head up the mountain!

The line to the gondola. Apparently we weren't the only ones who liked the word "free" {smile}

I don't know what I was expecting, but I definitely had not anticipated how high the gondola was! (compared to the ski lifts) Or how long the ride would be-almost 20 minutes each way.


I'm not going to lie, it was a little scary at first!

We had plenty of time to really take in the incredible beauty of this ride up the mountain. I do wish the gondola windows had been cleaner.

Photo Mikayla

There were times when the cars would come to a complete stop, and all you could hear was the rush of wind as you swayed high above the ground in your little "bubble". Such an amazing feeling!

The Aspen Sundeck is the destination at the top. Unbelievable views, food, live music- it has it all!

As you can imagine, this is a very popular site for weddings and receptions. Look at this cool ceiling!

Photo Mikayla

Photos Mikayla

Inside, we listened to some good music, had a bite to eat and gawked at the incredible mountain view through the floor to ceiling windows. 

And did a little people {and dog!} watching : )

Afternoon at the top. Gorgeous!

My girls

Me and Mikayla

We headed back down the gondola late afternoon and spent some time walking through the beautiful and charming downtown area of Aspen.

Even though it was snowy up on the mountain, in town there were still lots of flowers blooming.

One of the fun things about Aspen is the diversity of homes. From this.. this. 

If you're on a budget, don't get your hopes up for a home in Aspen. I doubt there's a single family home in this town, no matter how humble, for under a million. 

Good thing I'm easily satisfied to be within driving distance, eh? ;)

Oh, I can't forget to mention these delicious cookies my oldest daughter made for us to enjoy on our Aspen outing. Pumpkin cookies with brown sugar glaze-yum! (I wish I had taken a better photo) They were thick and moist, almost more like cake. 

See the crumbs on top of the plastic? I'm totally busted for sneaking one on the drive up. The plate was in my lap! I just couldn't help it. Simply no control.

On my actual birthday my 16 year old made a yummy apple streusel cake with maple cinnamon icing! We enjoyed our cake and coffee at an outdoor table at Starbucks with our family. Perfect!

I can't tell you how much I love having a Fall birthday!

When my kids ask what I want, it's always the same thing: I want to go somewhere beautiful, eat something yummy and be with people I love. Hey, I'm a simple girl and all my birthday wishes came true!

I'll share a little photo tour of the last phase of my Fall birthday outing with a friend, in another post soon!

It's hard to believe my daughter and her husband are about to celebrate their 2nd wedding anniversary! I'd love for you to come see how we pulled off a simple, heartfelt Aspen wedding on a very small budget.

What are some of the Fall things that you and your family are enjoying this month where you live? 

Thanks so much for coming up the mountain with me!


Sharing this week over at:

Be Inspired at Common Ground 
The Scoop 


  1. Happy Birthday. What fun the trip to Aspen must have been. I have been there and it is really nice. It does remind me of Boulder too. My birthday was just a week ago. I was on a Disney Cruise with my BFF and that was fun too.

  2. Those photos are AMAZING! Seems you and I have similar ideas on the perfect birthday celebration. So glad you were able to enjoy such beautiful surroundings with those you love. I wish you a year of more wonderful adventures leading up to the big 5-0. Blessings!

  3. you're a beautiful and young 49! sounds like you spent a wonderful day!!

  4. Happy Birthday, and what an amazing trip. I enjoyed seeing the snow:)

  5. I have not visited Aspen, but my husband spent 2 weeks there learning to ski. He imagines it has changed a lot since 1970. It was not the billionaires' paradise it is today.

    I see we have something else in common. Both of our children are redheads, although our daughter has her hair chemically straightened so it is more auburn these days.

    Happy Birthmonth

  6. Oh my goodness. HAppy birthday. can you tell I have not been around much lately?


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