
Friday, September 6, 2013

Back Home

Happy Friday, all! Today we woke up in our own beds back home in Colorado for the first time in 3-1/2 weeks, and it felt really good. We had very comfortable accommodations at my parents' house, and we weren't anxious to leave but there is much to be tended to here at home : )

I shared this photo on my Facebook page last night. My mom grew up on a farm in northwestern Pennsylvania with her parents, twin sister and younger brother. When she talks about her time growing up she always refers to it as "back home..."
We looked through so many great old photos of the farm "back home" while we were visiting my parents. This one stands out as a favorite to me. I'm guessing grandma was getting ready to make a chicken supper. By the wringing hands, it looks like at least one of the twins was a little uncomfortable with this process : )
I'll try to share a few more of my favorites in the coming days.

Guess what? I finally got a page together with links to some of the rooms in our home! Not the whole house, yet. But at least a few rooms consolidated into one easy link page. Pop over here for a visit when you have a minute, okay? 

Have a great weekend, friends!



  1. I would SO LOVE to live in a farm. I spent entire summers at my grandparent's farm in Southern Italy...I was uneasy everytime they would kill a rabbit to eat (yes, Italian eat grow and uncle has about 30 of them right now). There is no home like home.

  2. Oh how wonderful. Looks like a wonderful place. Your blog is looking so pretty too!

  3. Love this photo! My grandma used to wring chicken necks, too. I never witnessed it, thankfully. And now I'm a vegetarian. LOL.

  4. Love the photo Jeanette! Always wished that I had grown up on a farm. I'll never forget when I saw my friends dad chop off a chickens head and the body ran around headless for a minute. Never quite got over that sight! lol!

  5. Welcome back! Love the tour of your gorgeous home! :)


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