
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

California Family Vintage

I can't tell you how strange it feels to share so little over here the past couple of weeks! I'm struggling with that a bit.

We've been in California for just over a week now. The drive here had it's moments, for sure, but those were soon forgotten once we made it to our destination.

It has been a busy few days. We had a family gathering over the weekend and I was so happy to visit with some of my cousins I hadn't seen in almost five years. Priceless!

The last couple of days I've had some fun poking through some of the cool vintage stuff that is found in abundance at my parents' house : ) I thought I'd show you just a few of the treasures I've come across. 

 I can't remember a time when this antique guitar wasn't on display in my parents' home. My dad is a musician, and my mom's grandmother gave it to him, probably around the time I was born. He says it's at least 100 years old!

 My grandfather made this little wooden stool (probably in the early 1930's) when he was a school boy.

 I love these vintage photos of my grandparents holding their kitties in the rose garden!

 My mom is quite the collector, and one of the things she collects is glass hen dishes. I told my 16 year old to make it her mission to count them all up this week! She also has a small collection of Jadeite, so this piece spans both collections. 

I couldn't believe this find! The Dominoes set we grew up with, found in the back of the linen closet-ha!

 Some cool old picnic baskets that were probably my grandmother's.

This was probably the most surprising discovery of the last couple of days. Not the toolbox itself, but finding out where it came from. The toolbox has been in my dad's garage for EVER. When I saw it the other day, I asked if I could empty it, and use it for some photos. He said "sure", and told me that my sister made this in high school metal shop. No way! I had no idea.

I'll share some of my mom's cool collections in the coming days, and we'll be at the beach soon, too. Probably not soon enough for my kids  : )

*A little side note for Carol at Art and Sand-I've been in your hometown 3 times this week. Yesterday my teenager and I hit the IKEA store and In-n-Out Burger, a favorite of ours you can't get in Colorado : )

This is where my 16 year old and I are sleeping during our visit with my parents, and my two youngest are sleeping in my childhood bedroom. On our first day here it was fun to tell them about what the room was like when their mommy was their age. 
My mom generously consented for me to re-style their fireplace area for a few photos today, and I'll be sharing that with you soon! 

Thanks for coming by today, friends! I haven't had a whole lot of computer time, and it has been hard not to be reading much of my favorite blogs, either. But I think I'll be back in the swing of things before long : )


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  1. The minute I saw the fries, before I saw the box or the burger, I knew you had been to In 'n' Out. I don't visit Covina often, but I usually hit Ikea when I do.

    I love the little stool and that green box.

    I am so glad you are having fun with your family.

  2. Hmmm... vintage "junk" :) or an "In'n' Out burger and fries... think I'd go for the lunch! Seriously, didn't think about how much FUN you'd have going through your Mom's things! Pretty pictures and I like the little deer... hope you get to the beach soon and hope all is well there. Praying for you! Dina

  3. enjoy the family time! can't wait to see more pictures


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