
Saturday, July 27, 2013

MY Vintage Suitcase Find

In a couple of weeks the kids and I will be making a trip to southern California. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard, "When can we start packing??".... {smile}

We had some indecision about how we would get there, but utimately I felt driving would be the best option. Can you believe I haven't been "back home" in 3 years?! As we were debating about our mode of travel, my 6 year old declared in exasperation, "I don't care HOW we get to California, I just want to be with my grandma and grandpa!" And soon, we will be : )

Yesterday we headed to Glenwood Springs to pick up a few things we will need for our travels. My 16 year had some birthday money to spend, and wanted to see if she could find a small suitcase/bag for herself. One of our stops was to drop off some boxes of stuff at the thrift shop. Yes, I do occasionally manage to get some things into the thrifts shops instead of always coming out with something!

My daughter isn't a fan of this particular store and opted not to make the spin through as we made our donation. As I made my way to the back of the shop, I spotted a mountain of garment bags and suitcases in the corner. I thought I might as well take a look for my daughter. She may not like this particular shop too much, but she certainly likes to hang onto as much of her money as possible! Most of the bags were just yucky dirty old nylon, but at the very bottom of the pile I found this darling vintage suitcase.


Now, to be honest, when I spotted this I was not thinking of it for her! I was immediately envisioning what I was going to use it for! When the clerk said they wanted $5.00 for it, I knew it was coming with me. My daughter paid no attention as I came out of the shop and put it in the back of our van, and we continued on to Target and Walmart where she couldn't find a bag she liked enough to pay what they wanted : )

 I really like the pretty blue interior of my suitcase. Everything is in really good condition, but of course it needs to be cleaned up a bit.

 This is the first time in my life I've purchased a vintage suitcase that still had the original key with it. Very cool.

Whenever I find an old bag with a nameplate, my mind always wanders a bit to who this might have been, and how the bag got to where it is now. Anyone know Jessie Brockelsby from Manilla, Ohio? And how his or her suitcase ended up in a thrift shop in Glenwood Springs, Colorado?

 I know it's a little nutty, but I always think these old suitcases look like they're smiling! 

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you the funny part! Hours after we got home my daughter came out of her room and spotted my suitcase and exclaimed, "Where did this come from?! This is awesome! Can I use it for the trip?!" 
Oh, motherhood. Did I mention this is supposed to be MY suitcase? I'll let you know how that works out, okay? 

I hope you're having a great Saturday, friends!


***Update from reader Debby Owens***

" I couldn't resist looking up the original owner of your suitcase on! Jessie Brockelsby of Manilla, Iowa passed away in 1972 at the age of 92. She was one of eight children born to John A. And Mary E. Cook. She was married to Ed Brockelsby."

Of course this makes me think of lots of other questions! Thanks so much for taking the time to do that, Debby! 

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Knick of Time Tuesday 
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson 
Party Junk at Funky Junk  


  1. I love finding vintage suitcases, the squared corners are a treat. My favorites are made by McBrine. A new 'old suitcase' convert in your family.

  2. I have never found a vintage suitcase- yours is wonderful.

    Have you checked out TJ Maxx or Marshalls for suitcases? My kids have a wonderful knack for "borrowing" my complete set of matched luggage to the point that I had no luggage. I went to TJ Maxx and for $39 found a great Samsonite piece on wheels that I can use for just carry on.

    You are arriving at the right time in California. The coast has been gloomy most days until 3 pm since the 4th of July. August is almost here and the weather is getting warmer.

  3. Oh I love it! I have one very similar.

    Your sweet 16yo should be VERY careful with that gem :D

  4. What a great find! I don't find many that include the key, but am thrilled when I do.

  5. Cute story. So glad you got to have your vintage suitcase for a moment anyway. You should google that name and see if the owner can be found. It would be like a treasure hunt.

  6. I love your suitcase and your story. I was telling my husband yesterday how I wanted to paint his dad's old suitcase with chalk paint and put a Paris logo on it and he said that if I did that it wouldn't be any good for traveling with! So funny!

    Thank you for sharing and blessings to you,

  7. Don't you just love stumbling upon such a fabulous find? That suitcase is perfection as is the price they were asking for it. $5.00?? A steal! I, too, think the interior color is the best as is the key hanging from a string. Have a safe trip and I can't wait to see if the daughter trumped the mom one more time. That's life, right?!

  8. I couldn't resist looking up the original owner of your suitcase on! Jessie Brockelsby of Manilla, Iowa passed away in 1972 at the age of 92. She was one of eight children born to John A. And Mary E. Cook. She was married to Ed Brockelsby.

  9. Debby, that is so awesome! Thank you for doing that. Now I'm wondering what her suitcase has been doing for 40 years? Hmmm...
    I'm going to add your info to the post. Thank you!

  10. What a great find, I use to have something similar. Love it. Thanks for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  11. love your suitcase! have a huge vintage stack myself - 14 stacked up in the dining room...when you live in a 1902 house with no closets, you get creative about storage...hope your daughter takes good care of it...I'm sure you'll want it back! stopping over from Knick of Time

  12. This is wonderful! Especially now that you know who owned it. It has great patina, but not worn out looking. Great find.

  13. I love this beautiful old suitcase...and how funny that it looked better when you got it home (to a teen!). I love the update, makes you wonder! Have a fabulous trip!!!

  14. Super neat find!!

    I love the inside of the suitcase, it could tell so many stories!!

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!!

  15. So fun to learn more about your suitcase Jeanette. Having the original key is awesome! Jessie was a smart lady to pin it inside. I love that your daughter wants to use it. There is such a thing as borrowing. lol! Being a grandmother, I can not imagine not having seen any of my grandchildren for three years. They are going to be so thrilled to see you! Thanks for sharing your little treasure. Oh by the way, I got a text and photo from my 24 year old baby girl this morning. It said, "Mom, I am too much like you. Look what I found in Hungary for only $15." It then showed a picture of an old suitcase with travel stickers covering a lot of the outside. It was awesome!


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