
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Just Junk?

 This is a story about a mom.....

A stay-at-home, homeschooling, single mama with three kids still at home. The mama knew that God had called her to this family-centered, home-centered life. She's been living it for 20 years! Once, she was a wife and mom of four. She thought it would always be this way. But now...

it's just the mama and three kids. She is in a scary situation, where she is left to fend for them on her own, and it's hard. The papa, and the money....gone. 
God told her to start a blog (huh?), start a shop and start moving toward creating a new life founded on His grace, and the desires He planted in her heart from the time she was born, and He would provide.

 She's trying. She's really, really trying to hold on to the vision, although some days it feels hopeless! She tries to keep moving, one "grace stepping-stone" at a time. Sometimes day by day. Sometimes hour by hour. There is the voice that whispers to her, "Keep going.....I've got you.."

Zero money, broken tools, borrowing a camera for every blog post and shop listing...
"Keep going....I've got you."

Yesterday, this. This seeming pile of garbage. Just junk. She knows this "junk" is a gift. It can be transformed into things that will provide for her family, and it was free.

 She is aware that this junk pile represents how her life has felt for too long. Just as she will transform the junk into something useful and beautiful, so the care of her loving Lord will transform the junk of the life of her family into something useful and beautiful. 

Today? She can't even pay the rent or utilities. 

Sometimes transformation is long and agonizing. 

She pulls herself up, again and again, like a toddler taking her first tentative steps, and moves toward the voice...."Keep going.." Even if it's hard. Even if it hurts. Even if it's scary. Even if you can't see it. Especially if you don't feel like it. Giving up when it looks impossible is not faith. Just. Keep. Going. 

Thank you for being here, friends!


Linking up at:

Creative Things Thursday at The Vintage Farmhouse 
Be Inspired at Common Ground 


  1. Oh Jeanette, I've been in the "husband and money gone" situation and God does provide and he does make something of the junky life we find ourselves living. What a great car full of wonderful possibilities you have there. I'm so excited for what God is making of you and your family and your life. One day at a time he will provide your daily bread and build you back up, holding you close along the way!
    Liz @ Quirky Vistas

  2. Dear Jeanette
    Your story left ache in my heart for I too have been where you are. I know that God will take care of you and your precious children through provisions that may even come in the darkest hour. Know that you have friends who love and care and hold yuou up in prayers. My heart and prayers are with you always


  3. Oh Jeanette,
    Thinking of you and hoping you will soon be free from this dark place- you are so talented, creative and giving -who else would see the treasures beneath a pile of trash? This too shall pass-
    wishing you strength and bright days ahead

  4. I'm sorry that this has been such a rough time. Worrying about paying essential bills has to be so scary. I am hoping that you can get some help . (((((HUGS)))) and prayers.

  5. What wonderful things you can make from these items. These thoughts came to my mind when I read your post. God WILL take care of you, and Ask and it shall be given you. Senind prayers up for you and your children.

  6. God is our provider. I didn't know your story, but what matters is that you are a strong woman. Many Blessings and God's Provision for you and your family. Hugs

  7. Jeanette, I know that it might not seem like it at times ,but I do believe God is using you to be a blessing to others..the devil on the other hand sees this and is doing everything he can to make you weak in your faith ... Thank you for blogging and being a light to others....


  8. I came over to your blog from The Cozy Little House and I appreciate your authenticity. Since this blog post seems so personal, I didn't want to just leave without saying Hi. Sometimes it's nice to know who visits our deep thoughts, isn't it? I'll be adding you to my BlogLovin' feed :)

  9. My heart goes out to you - I know that pain. I wish I lived closer so I could buy up some of those spindle purchases~! I know you will make something creative - I will keep checking your Etsy shop! Margy in KY

  10. Found you at Brenda's, too... and glad I did. I identify... I raised two all alone.
    Canpt wait to see what you do with the spindles!

  11. Visiting from Cozy Little House. Great writing. Pictures are great but it's a treat when the writing is done just as nicely! Thanks for sharing,

  12. Stopping by from Brenda's Cozy Little House. From what I've seen in your previous posts, you will be doing some fabulous creating and finishes with all that lovely salvaged wood. I liked your post about appreciating what you have before asking for more. My first house was about 1000 square feet and I absolutely loved it. In fact, I have never wanted more -- that amount of space is just about perfect to me. Have a beautiful day. Tammy

  13. I too came from Cozy Little House and have put you on my follow list. I love your honesty before the Lord and written for all to see. God is good. All the time. Even when it doesn't look like He knows what He's doing. :)

    I can't wait to see what God does...

  14. I stopped by from Brenda at Cozy Little House and wanted to say hi. I don't have a blog, but am so drawn to those in which people write honestly about the good and not so good and I've added you to my list of must read! I truly believe that God has his arms wrapped around you and will provide even when you feel at your darkest hours. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  15. So glad I stopped in...I admire your strength and energy and your faith...I believe in you! Going to peek around a bit...nice to "meet" you!

  16. I always love reading your posts, but this is so special. I applaud your strength, trust and faith. You will be in my thoughts.

    As I typed this, I looked up at the comment above mine and saw that I had written the same thing as Sandi which tells me that others recognize your strength.

    Be strong and continue to believe in yourself.

  17. Jeanette,

    Thank you so much for being brave with your life, and sharing your heart. God has a beautiful timing to everything, and you are honoring Him and His calling on your life. So blessed to know you , I wish WA and CO were a lot closer :)

    xo, Tanya

  18. Oh Jeanette, praise God for your faithfulness! Thanks so much for sharing... I'm so glad to have found you and your blog!

    His grace is sufficient!

  19. Praying for you. I am so sorry that your dream of being that stay at home, homeschooling mom, wife and support to your husband didn't work out. What a rug pulled out from under you. My heart hurts. I pray that you will hang on to Him during the dark and scary times and that you will feel His love, provision and support. I love your blog and love what I have seen in your Etsy shop. Keep at it.
    I haven't been where you are, but I do know that He uses our storms to show us He is the shelter. I see grace from what I read on your blog and it touches my heart. I pray it touches others.
    Can't wait to see your blog grow in grace.

    1. Katie, thank you SO much for your sweet comment. The Lord is truly the only thing I know to hold onto, and despite the pain of what we've been through I have seen blessings that couldn't come except through these trials. Thank you for allowing God to work through you by sending loving and encouraging words my way! I am truly touched and uplifted by your kindness.


  20. AWWW look at all the people who love you Mommy <3


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