
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Simple Pleasures { Tea and Toast }

Do you have any little rituals that bring a bit of comfort and rest into your day

Maybe something that has just always been with you? The kind of thing you don't put alot of thought into, it's just always...there. This is a story about one of those little comforts.

 ~The Simple Pleasure of Tea and Toast~

When I was growing up I observed (and absorbed) my mother "taking tea and toast" almost every day. She kept an electric pot on the counter, and when she came in from work at the end of the day she would head straight for the pot to get the water boiling while she changed out of her work clothes. She would toast a slice or two of bread, maybe add a little peanut butter, and sit down to a little rest and refueling before it was time to start supper for her family of five. 

On the weekends I remember her having tea and toast in the afternoons while reading the newspaper or a magazine. 
All this served to ingrain in me that tea and toast was a simple pleasure that represented slowing down, rest, and comfort. 

It's a ritual that has naturally translated into my own family, especially during the colder months. 

On a cold afternoon at home, my kids consider it a special treat to gather around a tray of cinnamon sugar toast and steaming cups of tea with a little honey. 

The opportunity to sit together (or alone), slow down, and feel gratitude for the moment and savor a simple treat is certainly not a small thing. Life is made in moments! 

On this particular day we were enjoying toasted potato bread with lots of butter and some holiday spice tea left over from Christmas.


  I told you about my love for these silly pieces of wood over here : ) 

Is plain old tea and toast too simple a topic to blog about? I'll let you decide. But for me, it's the the warm fuzzy feelings evoked by the serving of these humble ingredients that makes it feel important enough share. And it reminds me of my dear mom, who is one of my closest friends! 

What about you? Any simple little comforts in your life? Sometimes the very humble things are the most meaningful.   

Wishing you all a lovely weekend!


  1. Lovely. Comfort. Memories. Enjoyed your photo essay on tea, toast and remembered moments.

  2. It really is the simple things that get you through the days. Lovely photos :-)

  3. A hot bath is something my "little women" have adopted from me... I find lots of books scattered around the bathroom and an occasional cup of something... nice post and have a great week, Jeanette! Dina

  4. I'm off to have some tea and toast. Lovely post that reminds us that it is the simple things in life that brings us the most joy!


  5. What a great reminder to slow down and enjoy life Jeanette! Fabulous post, my down time includes coffee and chocolate when little ones have all fallen asleep. I also love a good power nap :)

    xoxo, Tanya

  6. I love your new pretty.

  7. It's a daily ritual at my house - sometimes more than once a day! I love to spread cheese on my toast. The Laughing cow cheese wedges or Aldi has a really good flavor from the Happy Farm brands.

  8. I drink coffee in the morning and tea in the pm/evening...I take it after my dad :) Lovely presentation

  9. Tea and toast has always been a 'go to' comfort food here, too. I keep a shaker of cinnamon sugar on the counter for just those times. Cute post and enjoyed seeing your blog. Deb (Ontario, Canada)


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