
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Don't Let It Slip On By.....

This week we lost two young people in our community, in the blink of an eye. 
I didn't want to do another blog post without acknowledging Kellie (18) and Malachi (20).

This song is a bittersweet reminder to pay attention to the time we're given. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. 
If you are a praying person, could I ask you to take a moment to lift up their family and friends? Please pray for comfort and healing as life just inches forward. 

Love to you, my friends!


  1. Jeanette, I'm so sorry for the loss of these two young people. Lifting up their family and friends as well as community right now.
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. Praying also. It seems trite to say I featured your little Easter baskets after hearing news like that. We are here in connecticut and the next town over from us is Newtown so I know the heaviness this kind of thing brings. When it's close, it hits harder. Best wishes, Linda

    1. Thank you, Linda. I know it's a strange feeling when life just moves ahead in the midst of such heartache. I appreciate your kindness!



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