
Monday, January 28, 2013

Whatever is Lovely

In our house, the main living area is a pretty small space consisting of living room, dining area and kitchen. All one room. 

We have a fairly large island with bar stools in the kitchen where we usually eat our meals. The dining table (right next to that island) however, usually ends up being the dumping ground for, well.. everything!

Between my projects and the debris of three kids, it's always such a mess that it really doesn't get used for its intended purpose. It's just a big flat surface to toss things on. 

Today, I'm trying an experiment. What if I filled that table surface with something pretty? What if there was no room for the JUNK?

I decided to try setting a pretty table-and leaving it that way- in hopes that our temptation to let the junk land there will be somewhat curbed. 



Plotting this experiment to fill a space with lovely to keep out the junk gets me thinking...

Our minds are a lot like this, aren't they? It's so easy to let the not-so-pretty in, and spend lots of time wallowing in it. And I don't think it's enough to just try to avoid letting the bad stuff in.

Every day we see and hear about ugly things. We may even have some very challenging relationships in our personal lives. Without a plan to combat the "mental junk" of our struggles and negative thoughts and emotions, it will inevitably pile up with unhappy results.

In order to effectively deal with the negative junk in our minds, we must make an intentional effort to fill that space with something good and positive. The more we intentionally fill our minds and hearts with life giving, hope filled words, the less space is available for the things that pull us down mentally and emotionally. 

I want you to know that this is something I've wrestled with for years (probably my whole life) and only in the past few have I been able to practice, and see the results of, getting intentional about the good I put into my mind. 

Today I was reminded of this lovely verse from the Bible:

Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

Filling a space with good and lovely things to repel the tendency to let the junk pile up has been working in my mental and spiritual life for some time. 
I wonder if it is going to work for my dining room table?? I guess we shall see : )

Sharing this week over at:
twelveOeight-Pretty Things! 
The Dedicated House-Make It Pretty Monday 
The Ivy Cottage Blog-Cowgirl Up! 
Homemaker On a Dime-Creative Bloggers Party
Cozy Little House-Tweak It Tuesday 
Vintage On A Dime-Welcome Home Wednesday 
Savvy Southern Style-Wow Us Wednesday 
Timewashed-Blissful Whites Wednesday 
StoneGable-Tutorials Tips and Tidbits 
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson-Share Your Cup Thursday 
Embracing Change-Creative Inspiration 
The Charm of Home-Home Sweet Home 
Common Ground-Be Inspired! 
French Country Cottage-Feathered Nest Friday 


  1. I love your table and your devious plan to keep the junk away.

    We liken living in a small house to living on a boat. We literally have "a place for everything" and work to keep everything in its place. But when our kids are visiting, it's just like your house - even if I have the table set.

    Lovely bible quote.

  2. Beautiful table, I love all the small details and the birds. Great analogy, and oh so true! Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Wow my dear this is the type of dinning room I always dream of! Just gorgeous.

    I love that verse so true!

  4. Hi Jeanette, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award!

  5. wonderful job!! Our kitchen table is also our landing spot for junk and everything in between!!

  6. I love this post, that has always been one of my favorite scriptures. It seems that the world if full of bad news, so we need to keep the "good news" in our hearts! Jean

  7. Such an inspirational post. My favorite vignette on the table is the tiny paper birds on the plate. They sum up your message - so simple.

  8. Beautiful - just absolutely beautiful. Came over from Timewashed!

  9. Hi Jeanette, A very beautiful post in so many ways! I hope your plan for keeping the dining room clear is successful. I just love the little bird and nest on the candlestick, and the paper cutouts on the dishes. Linda

  10. Great Job your table is beautiful. Love the little cut out birds.

  11. Your dining room is beautiful! You have created a really lovely tablescape!

  12. Great post with a wonderful illustration! Your table does look beautiful. I love the little nests you created in the candlesticks!
    Mary Alice

  13. What a beautiful room & table scape ~ I love all the wonderful touches
    right down to the little hearts & birds on the plates.....

  14. As Joel Olsteen said in a recent sermon, "turn up your Victory channel. Don't listen to the negative.. the hardships. No, change the channel". That has stayed with me so I completely understand your point of view. I just want to congratulate you on your dining room table. I'm such a huge fan of cloches so that made me smile. And the little paper cutouts on each plate? I adorable!!!

  15. it working?
    LOVE your chairs!

  16. Beautiful. Very charming & inviting yet classy. Love it!

    Amber @ The Honeysuckle Bus Stop

  17. It is all lovely!!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Deb Vintage On A Dime

  18. What a beautiful post. Love the table setting and that is one of my favorite scriptures. I display the same Bessie Pease Gutman print. It is adorable. I found you through Share Your Cup and am glad I did. I am also in Colorado, in the Springs. I'm a new follower, come on over and visit some time. I'd be honored if you followed me back!

  19. Well, you sure filled it with a beautiful tablescape. I can't imagine anyone wanting to junk it up now. The table cloth is beautiful and I love birds! I agree, it's important to feel our mind and thoughts with good things to keep the bad out. That's why I like the idea of having a special song that you think of whenever something bad pops into your mind. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  20. What such a beautiful post and tablescape!! It looks gorgeous. Your newest follower from Embracing Change. :) Can't wait to read more of your blog.

    Kathy @

  21. What a pretty table scape, and i love that birdie! Would love if you came and linked up with us at the Humble Brag. We give away free ad space every week!

  22. loving especially the little bird confetti--so charming!

    popping over via frenchcountrycottage and hope you'll stop by when you have a moment.

    smiles to you and happy weekend.


  23. This is absolutely stunning! You will be one of the features tomorrow at Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Pop on in and grab a feature button for your blog. Hope to see your prettiness again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  24. Love it all - so pretty and perfect!
    Thanks for sharing with us!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  25. What a lovely practice- I'll try to do the same! Thank you for sharing this.


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