
Friday, December 14, 2012

Warmed Up with Red-Master Bedroom

Recently I did a post called Perfectly Pale where I highlighted some of the whites and neutrals in my home, indicating that is where my design "comfort zone" is heading. Less color, more whites, in pursuit of a more peaceful atmosphere.  I also mentioned (and promised to show you) how I do still use and enjoy color at Christmastime

If there is ever a time to add an infusion of red to your basic neutrals the Christmas season is it! I have two areas in our home where I bring in the red most during this season, for an infusion of cozy cheerfulness. One is the kitchen/dining area, and the other is my master bedroom, which I'm sharing today.

Now, I've only been blogging "seriously" for about 8 weeks and I guess I feel a little shy about showing such a private area of our home to my 44 followers the WORLD! Awhile back I did share a little part of this room when I showed you my Faux Fireplace Mantel, so I guess I'm ready to go for the rest? Well, okay then, come on in!


 I know I always seem to be apologizing for my photography, but I'm doing it again. It was dusk AND it was gloomy and gray out, so some photos aren't too sharp. This actually works a little to my advantage because I didn't vacuum! : ) Oh, how I would love to snap my fingers and have that ceiling fan be replaced with a lovely chandelier. But we're not here for that!

Normally all the fabrics in my room are pretty white/neutral. Simply adding layers of linens and pillows in varying red prints instantly creates a warmer feeling in the cold winter months.

I sort of fantasize about painting the bed white someday, but I'm not ready to tackle it yet.

Yes, there is a superfluous twin bed in my room right now. It came out of the kids' room and I intended it to go to the basement, but it landed here and stayed. We use it sort of like a daybed/sofa when my laundry pile isn't there. 
Again, just adding layers of colorful blankets and pillows and decorative items, like the postcard garland on the vintage sled, immediately creates a warmer feel to the room.

Red print pillows and a soon-to-be skirt on my "project chair" in a Waverly floral fabric I've been in love with for years.
The name escapes me at the moment, but it has been used in many ways around my home(s).

This piece doesn't really have anything to do with cozy color (except it's warm wood tones) but I thought I'd show you just because it's a favorite of mine.

 I think it's the front panel from an old piano? But for now it's standing in the corner of my room being used as a clothes hanger!

 I'm thinking it's also destined to be painted white someday. 

Ok, so I only just realized today that my dresser has a FACE! I can't decide if it's funny or just creepy!

 All her "age marks" just make me love her more.

 An interesting note about the dresser top; the shop owner I bought this from told me that when she acquired the dresser the veneer top had been badly damaged. She removed the veneer and covered the top in this Ralph Lauren wallpaper (!) and a heavy piece of glass.

Over the years it's been fun to put photos, cards etc under the glass. I've been tempted to see what's under the wallpaper, but I'm sort of afraid to mess with it! Maybe I'll cover it with some of my vintage sheet music next?

Nothing says "warm and cozy" quite like a red plaid blanket, right? Especially layered on top of fluffy white duvets and charming red print bedding. The super heavy PB quilt is actually on loan from my friend who's living in China right now and the Waverly floral is a fabric remnant from a past project. I have always loved florals and plaids together, and I think I always will.

It's so easy to use things you already have to pull color into a room! I used some of my favorite crafting/decorating books here. Tired of this color? Swap them out for another! Don't get me wrong, books never need to match a color scheme, but when you are doing a seasonal (temporary) color scheme, why not use something you already have and love?

Blankets, pillows, books, candles, picture frames are all easily whisked away when your design mood changes, with very little time and no money spent.

There's my cozy (I do like that word!) little electric fireplace I made the mantel and faux brick backdrop for.

Thank you so much for visiting my warmed-up-with-red winter bedroom! Rest assured, in a few weeks I'll be ready to have things back to Perfectly Pale in here! It's been a long day....I am SO climbing in this bed right now : )


over at:


Common Ground-Vintage Inpiration 
Six Sisters'-Strut Your Stuff Saturday 
It's Overflowing-Overflowing With Creativity! 
Funky Junk Interiors-SNS 
Homemaker On a Dime-Creative Bloggers' Party 
Liz Marie Blog 


  1. I am here by way of Brenda's Cozy Little House. Your bedroom is nice and cozy. I like the little bed on the floor.
    I have been seeing those little heaters on alot of the blogs. I want one.

  2. Everything is just lovely and your photos are fine! Visiting from Brenda's welcome wagon! :)

    1. Thank you for visiting Debra! I appreciate your kind words : )


  3. A soulful room of history aged perfectly with warm coziness.


    Joyeux Noël

  4. Just found your blog from Cozy Little House and I have to tell you that I love your bedroom, especially the old toy box and the sled on the wall! Read thru your next post and am drooling over the monkey bread. I'll have to make that one soon! I've added you to my very long list of favorites!

    ~Donna Krobock

    1. Thank you Donna. That monkey bread was gone in a flash! I think I need to make another ;) Merry Christmas!


  5. I love your cute bedroom. Love the red added to the bed. I too like to add red at Christmas time to my bedroom. You have a lovely space. I love all the little details. . .I noticed the stack of books, and one of them is The Bird's Christmas Carol. Oh, how I remember that book and when I discovered it. It brought back memories. I must see if I can find one. Thanks for sharing your lovely bedroom. Karie (You have a lovely blog and your pictures are great. No worries!)

    1. Thank you Karie! I've had a couple of different copies of The Bird's Christmas Carol over the years, what a bittersweet little book! I'm so glad you stopped by! Merry Christmas!


  6. What a great bedroom. Just the sort of room you want to curl up in. Love both the desk and dresser you have flanking the bed. Everything looks very pretty!

  7. Your bedroom is lovely. I love it. Somehow I appreciate the natural wood finishes on your bed, etc. They give the room a warm, european country look. I'm sure it would all be pretty painted white, too. Whatever you do, it will work. You have the touch. -- Nancy


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