
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Perfectly Pale

I wish I had some photos to share of our crazy, colorful little house we lived in years back. Mustard yellow and red in the bedroom, red in the dining room, green in the living room, black and white checked floors. 3 bedrooms in 960 square feet and full of stuff. It was visually pretty crazy, but back then it really made me happy to be immersed in all that color!

I still really do like color, and I use it at Christmas as you will see tomorrow : )
But, the last few years have been the most stressful I've ever experienced, and I'm finding that in this season of life I need things to be paler.....calmer. It just feels more soothing to me.

 My bedroom window

 Vintage bucket I decoupaged with pretty paper

Pale and pretty candles
 One of my favorite pieces of ironstone

 Over my headboard

Necklace I made for my daughter from one of her baby sweaters

Sweet little angel made by my grandmother. She was an avid crafter, and I often think about what fun we'd be having together if she was still with us : )

Vintage mirror in my bedroom

Pale candle chandelier I embellished with fabric and crystals

Pretty and pale details

 Tomorrow I'll share a little of the colorful side of life around here!

I'm linking up my shop at:


  1. How beautiful and peaceful is everything. Yes I love it, love what you are doing. I'm Going White too and my last post speaks of this. I'm over from Timewashed, and I need the peace and serenity of Whites and its shades. I did alot already but I think I need to go even more simple...not sure what that means lol, but time will tell. Our hectic times call for white and clean. I look forward to seeing more here. lady

    1. Yes, it does seem to me that alot of us are leaning more towards whites and neutrals. Your post was lovely. Thank you for stopping by!


  2. I am addicted to whites now myself....used to be primitive country!!! I moved by the water and went white be achy!!! THanks for linking up.....i love it all and will visit your shop... Happy Holidays Deb:) Vintage On A Dime

    1. Deb, I had my more primitive country period too! Thank you for your kind words, and Happy Holidays to you!


  3. LOL. I'm the same way, the whole house has been going through a slow transformation for overwhelming color to just touches here in there.

    Your holiday displays are so pretty. Love your home.

    1. Transformation is such a good word, Robin :) Mine is definitely in process still. Thank you so much for visiting!


  4. Love the shelving over bed, it looks so pretty!

  5. I love the shelf over the bed - thought it was a mantle before I saw the whole pic. I'm definitely going to have to start using hangers to hang my wreaths!

    1. Thanks Karen! I bought a "lot" of vintage hangers on ebay years ago, and they sure have gotten alot of use all over the house :)


  6. Hi Jeanette! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I love yours, I love your style :) I just became a follower and look so forward to your future posts. I love white and paler colors too. They are so soothing and relaxing. The things you have made for your shoppe are so pretty, I am going to wsee what all you have in there right now :) Your home is lovely, I just adore the tree in the pail too!

    1. Hi Amy,
      Yes, I think soothing and relaxing are what alot of us are longing for :) I appreciate you visiting and following! The shop is just getting started, and I've lots to work on, but I'm glad to have you stop by! Thank you for your kind words.


  7. What treasures! I love whites, pale, neutrals, and muted colors. Everything is beautiful.

  8. Just gorgeous, and I agree, the lighter more calm surroundings really do bring more peace. love those beautiful candles!


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