
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

This Christmas season has not been easy. Don't worry, I'm not having a pity party at this moment. It HAS had it's share of amazing blessings! We've had many kindnesses bestowed on us in the past weeks.
We've also had.... issues, financial crisis, maybe a little loneliness? A house full of kids that can't master peace between siblings, much less grasp the concept of peace on earth. 

A tired single mama (I know, all mamas are tired!) who had every intention of doing our Advent reading each night this month, but only managed a few

The list goes on, and I KNOW I'm not alone in these things, but the temptation is to beat myself up for not doing more. Not being more.

Right now I'm listening to Bing Crosby sing "White Christmas" and the snow is gently falling. It really is a white Christmas! And so beautiful. 

I'm making chocolate chip cookies for my son-in-law's Christmas gift. Stirring up the humblest of offerings, listening to music, watching the snow fall.

 And I remember this.

This is a magical time to remember that without this baby (sometimes in slightly comical form around our house) I couldn't hope for things to be better.

I couldn't know that while my circumstances sometimes feel out of control, my heart is also being changed and strengthened by His love.

I know I can trust Him to give me everything I need to handle whatever may come.


And that makes all the difference in the world to this tired mama.

Merry Christmas and God bless you, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in today!



  1. I haven't been looking at your blog long , but I wanted to Thank you for being a blessing to me... You, with your simple heartfelt ways/ideas/home is to me the way life should be lived.. Your faith is truly a reflection of how Great God is !!!! thank you for blogging ....


    1. What a sweet and humbling comment, Anne. He is great, indeed! I'm so glad you stopped by :)


  2. Yes. Yes. jesus is our hope. All else and everyone else may fail us, but He never will. Thank you for this sweet reminder. -- Nancy


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