
Friday, December 7, 2012

Candles, Garland and Nut Babies, Oh My!

Do you find yourself with ink and glue under your fingernails? Are you forgetting to eat? Not sure when you last showered? Can't remember what day it is? 


If you answered "yes" to these questions, YOU TOO may be suffering from Brainiotis Craftiosis.......otherwise known as


I've pretty much lost my mind working on stuff for the last couple of days. Cutting, gluing, glittering, punching, stamping....etc. Hmm...I wonder what the kids are doing? (kidding)

Anyway, I've come up for air to share a couple of things with you and show you a tutorial for a little craft that's become somewhat of a Christmastime tradition around here- Nut Babies!   


I've been embellishing these dollar store candles for the past few years, and they are always fun to work on.

I've seen lots of these on Pinterest and on crafty blogs, so I know I'm not the only one having fun! I used some of my vintage sheet music for one.

I have an interesting source for the others I made. A few years back a friend of mine gave me this and it's actually a towel! A lovely linen hand towel that I couldn't bring myself to use because it's just too pretty. So I put it in a frame and I just love the way it looks.
When she reads this she might roll her eyes and shake her head : )
I like the image so much, in fact, that I scanned it into my computer and printed it in B & W to use for projects just like this one. I had a copy of this french script paper, and tore out the image of the girl to decoupage over it.

For this one I just used the copy of the full image from the towel.

 I don't think you can really see it, but I embellished the leaves with vintage glass glitter.

This is actually a craft remake. Several Christmases ago my friend and I made a garland by gluing these beautiful Cavallini Christmas postcards to a wide ribbon. This year I "unglued" it :)

I punched holes at the top of each card and threaded a different ribbon through and hung it on an old sled on my bedroom wall. Don't you just LOVE simple and easy projects?

Now, on to my little tutorial!

I really can't remember how the first one came to be, but these little cuties have been appearing at our house at Christmastime for probably ten years now.

We've made ornaments out of them, but usually just tuck them in to the branches of the Christmas tree. They also make cute dollhouse babies!

Here's what you will need to create your Woodland Nut Baby:

Hollowed out Walnut shells for the nut baby's cradle.
Try to split the Walnut as evenly as possible. The ones I used for this were a little "choppy"-I think they were leftovers from last year!

Small wooden beads for the heads.

Acorn caps. These came from actual acorns, but I seem to remember you can get these at craft stores as well.

Cotton balls. I split one in half for two nut babies.

Fabric scraps for creating the little "blanket" top. I used craft felt for these.

Hot glue gun  

 One year we painted some of the Walnut shells silver. Natural or painted? You decide!

I have some fabric leaves just waiting for a little project, so I'm going to try something a little different. I'm tucking one into one of the shells for the nut baby to rest on. Kind of adds to the "woodland" feel, don't you think?

Now hot glue an acorn cap onto the wooden bead. Doesn't it make the cutest little baby head?? Sometimes we'll draw a little face on these, but I'm leaving these plain.

  Now hot glue the head to the inside edge of the nut shell.

Now take a piece of cotton ball and fill up the shell. Sorry about the fuzzy photos!

Fill the shell with enough cotton to create a puffy look under the little fabric scrap blanket that comes next. 

Cut a little piece of fabric the approximate shape of the nut shell.
Lay it over the cotton and begin tucking it in around the edges and under the head. When you like the way it looks, you can add a little touch of hot glue to keep it in place, but it really isn't necessary.

And that's all there is to it! After all these years, I still think they're just adorable.

Now you have your very own sweet little woodland nut baby : )


  1. I have MY nut baby as part of my Neels vignette, my garland across my fake mantel and my pillow that you made me with THAT image (still one of my favorites) in the living room for the holidays (I usually keep it in my bedroom so it doesn't get too much wear and tear)!!! Everything on this post is beautiful and "glitter in my toothbrush" is pure "nuthouse." I love it! It's the most wonderful time of the year!:) Dina

    1. Aw, we have an entire vignette?? I think it's wonderful that we share some of the same Christmas-y things in our homes, even so far apart :(
      Maybe (just maybe) NEXT Christmas we'll be able to work on something together. Let the glitter fly!:)

  2. the nut babies are simply adorable! my girls would love to make it

    1. Thank you Daniela. How old are your girls? Be sure and share it if you decide to make some!


  3. Jeanette, look at your adorable babies!!! They are so cute! You really have some pretty Christmas projects to share!!!

  4. Your nut babies are super cute. Love your other work as well.

  5. Awe, I love these! Thanks for sharing!


  6. Gosh I miss crafting! Love your darling babies! Thanks so much for stopping by and following the new blog!

    1. Thanks so much Jacqueline! Your blog is so beautiful! Thanks for stopping by.


  7. the embellished candle is perfect, jeanette!

    if you have a moment and haven't already, hope you'll pop over to enter my giveaway for followers:

    smiles to you.


  8. Hello, new follower by way of Cowgirl Up! Blog Hop! I am in love with your little nut babies. ♥

    I would like to invite you to join me at my weekly Clever Chicks Blog Hop:

    I hope you can make it!
    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  9. I have those beautiful Cavaillini cards. Great idea to make a banner with them. I can't bear to actually send them out. I gave one to my closest friend last year with her gift. But the rest are MINE. ;-)

    Merry Christmas,

    1. I understand that, Karen! And if you can't bear to punch holes in them you could always use little clips, etc to attach them to a ribbon.
      Thanks for stopping by and Merry Christmas!


  10. Beautiful! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home and have a Merry Christmas!


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