
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Too Good To Be True

"Lord of all to Thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise!"

This morning I was thrilled to see a post on the "At the Picket Fence" blog sharing the hymn "For the Beauty of the Earth" as a song of Thanksgiving for today

We sang this at my daughter's wedding last Fall, but it hadn't occurred to me to use it for our Thanksgiving celebration. I'm grateful to them for reminding me to take out my copy and sing it today! 

Potatoes happily bubbling on the back of the stove, turkey just about perfectly brown.......

I'm so grateful for a 15 year old who peels potatoes and makes yummy pumpkin pies and makes me laugh! An 8 year old who says, "Mom, we should eat like this every day."  A five year old who says that Mom is the #1 thing he's thankful for (aaw). A 21 year old and her husband who stop by to drop off PUMPKIN SQUARES! Oh my, I have to post that recipe some time. 
Later, while eating one, my son said, "These are just too good to be true!" I started thinking about how many of the the things in our everyday lives really are that......

I accidentally (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!) stuck my finger in the pie, and attempted to "fix it" only to make it look worse.

I'm so thankful for music. In my ears and in pretty frames. Too good to be true.......

 I know, my table cloth is rumpled. It's only me and the kids today, and suddenly I like it this way : )
I'm thankful I have a table to sit at with my family and a really pretty view out that window. Too good to be true....

I'm thankful that nature provides so many lovely things to cozy up our homes and remind us what a wonderful Creator we have-the author of beauty! Again, too good to be true...

I'm very thankful for candlelight! It helps me not miss having a real fireplace quite so much. Cozy, warm, happy light. Especially in an old pickle jar : )

For apple cider in pretty goblets, unexpected hugs, crazy kids dancing to this right now, hot water, comfy blankets, HUMOR, so many beautiful and inspiring blogs to read, new friends here, starry skies, my slippers, flannel pajamas, good books.....just so many things that really are "too good to be true"- I am truly thankful

Wishing you peace and warmth in your hearts and homes this Thanksgiving night-


See you at Knick of Time Tuesday 
Savvy Southern Style-Wow Us Wednesdays 
French Country Cottage-Feathered Nest Friday 
Vintage on a Dime!-Welcome Home Wednesday 


  1. This has to be the best, most heartfelt Thanksgiving post that I have read yet. Beautifully written and lovely photos.
    AND rumpled tablecloths are wonderful : ) Glad to see you are normal : ) I usually wet one and throw it in the dryer but no ironing...I have three you think they would notice if I IRONED it ? HA they probably don't even notice there IS a tablecloth ! :)

    1. Thanks Debra! Your kind words did my heart much good. It's easy in the "blogging world" for everyone to want it all to look perfect, but perfect doesn't happen over here too much :) Funny (but true) about your sons! Thanks so much for stopping by.


  2. I am thankful for your new blog! Getting to see "your magic" is really a treat for me (though I wouldn't mind a pumpkin square either)... glad that your holiday was full of thanksgiving and that the Christmas things are out and inspiring you! I had the delightful experience of listening to my very first Christmas music of the season with my 16 yr. daughter (standing very close together as you must do when you are sharing ear buds) while taking the #2 bus home from our coffee date! A worshipful experience among the 75 or so Chinese riding the #2 with us. Love you, Jeanette! Dina

    1. Hi Dina!
      It's not easy, but I'm TRYING to imagine what you described on the bus! :)
      Mikayla and I sure had a pang of nostalgia for Christmas tree hunting with you guys this weekend :/ I'll email you soon. Love you too!


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