
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

An Autumn Birthday!

I am so fortunate that I get to celebrate my birthday in Fall! Last weekend I had a lovely little celebration with my 4 kids at a beautiful park near my oldest daughter's home. She is so creative, and put together so many handmade details to make our celebration extra personal and special. Pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese icing on a wicker cake stand, hand decorated gift bags and a special quote about beauty, framed in a vintage-style frame set on an ironstone platter....SUPER charming and totally my style!

 I just love the sweet little bird stamped on the gift bag!

She made little pearl-topped flag banners for the cupcakes spelling out "Oh Happy Day!"

 We spent the afternoon in the gorgeous Fall outdoors at TWO different parks, and took a drive into the hills, ending our outing at a local fish hatchery (little kids loved that) in a beautiful setting.

My birthday at a fabulous park on the Colorado River + a gorgeous Autumn afternoon + a hot Caramel Macchiato = HAPPY ME! : D

Don't you love this little quote??
Normally I would spend some time on my birthday contemplating the year past and thinking about the year to come. Asking some hard questions and taking stock, so to speak. It's been kind of a rough year, and I've really done alot of that already, so I am content to close the day being more grateful than I can possibly say for all my blessings, including  a beautiful and happy day to celebrate the life God has given me!
Keep your eyes and your heart open to see the beauty around you!

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